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What does Amazon SES Error message: Missing '"' mean?

Error executing "SendEmail" on ""; AWS HTTP error: Client error: `POST` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response:
<ErrorResponse xmlns="">
    <Code>InvalidPara (truncated...)
 InvalidParameterValue (client): Missing '"' - <ErrorResponse xmlns="">
    <Message>Missing '&quot;'</Message>

The email was not sent. Error message: Missing '"'

This is the error i am getting !! and cant figure out the reason .. Somebody give me a hint please


  • It means there is an encoding error while sending the request and is rejected by SES. Developer here will be helpful for you to find the correct encoding.

    Related issue on github:

    Related question on SO: boto3 ses InvalidParameterValue error due to unicode characters

    PS: I would have commented this, but I don't have the privilege :)