I have this query
WITH buffered AS (
ST_Buffer(geom , 10, 'endcap=round join=round') AS geom,
FROM line),
hexagons AS (
ST_HexagonGrid(10, buffered.geom) AS hex,
FROM buffered
) SELECT * FROM hexagons;
This gives the datatype
in the column hex
. This is unexpected. I expect geometry
as a datatype
. Why is that?
According to the documentation
, the function ST_HexagonGrid
returns a setof record
. These records contain however a geometry
attribute called geom
, so in order to access the geometry
of this record
you have to wrap the variable with parenthesis ()
and call the attribute with a dot .
, e.g.
SELECT (hex).geom FROM hexagons;
or just access fetch all attributes using *
(in this case, i
and geom
SELECT (hex).* FROM hexagons;
Demo (PostGIS 3.1):
WITH j (hex) AS (
10,ST_Buffer('LINESTRING(-105.55 41.11,-115.48 37.16,-109.29 29.38,-98.34 27.13)',1))
SELECT ST_AsText((hex).geom,2) FROM j;
POLYGON((-130 34.64,-125 25.98,-115 25.98,-110 34.64,-115 43.3,-125 43.3,-130 34.64))
POLYGON((-115 25.98,-110 17.32,-100 17.32,-95 25.98,-100 34.64,-110 34.64,-115 25.98))
POLYGON((-115 43.3,-110 34.64,-100 34.64,-95 43.3,-100 51.96,-110 51.96,-115 43.3))
POLYGON((-100 34.64,-95 25.98,-85 25.98,-80 34.64,-85 43.3,-95 43.3,-100 34.64))
As ST_HexagonGrid
returns a setof record
, you can access the record atributes using a LATERAL
as described here
, or just call the function in the FROM
SELECT i,j,ST_AsText(geom,2) FROM
10,ST_Buffer('LINESTRING(-105.55 41.11,-115.48 37.16,-109.29 29.38,-98.34 27.13)',1));
i | j | st_astext
-8 | 2 | POLYGON((-130 34.64,-125 25.98,-115 25.98,-110 34.64,-115 43.3,-125 43.3,-130 34.64))
-7 | 1 | POLYGON((-115 25.98,-110 17.32,-100 17.32,-95 25.98,-100 34.64,-110 34.64,-115 25.98))
-7 | 2 | POLYGON((-115 43.3,-110 34.64,-100 34.64,-95 43.3,-100 51.96,-110 51.96,-115 43.3))
-6 | 2 | POLYGON((-100 34.64,-95 25.98,-85 25.98,-80 34.64,-85 43.3,-95 43.3,-100 34.64))
Further reading: How to divide world into cells (grid)