I made an animation using Openlayers and olext.
var f = new ol.Feature (new ol.geom.Point(coord));
f.setStyle (new ol.style.Style({
image: new ol.style.Circle({
radius: 18,
points: 10,
stroke: new ol.style.Stroke ({ color: "rgba(0,0,0,1)", width:3 })
map.animateFeature(f, new ol.featureAnimation.Zoom({
fade: ol.easing.easeOut,
duration: 1300,
easing: ol.easing["easeOut"]
However, I don't know when the animation ends.
Is there an animation ending event?
I want to avoid duplicate animations before one animation is finished.
The documentation says there is an animationend
event https://viglino.github.io/ol-ext/doc/doc-pages/ol.featureAnimation.html
var animation = new ol.featureAnimation.Zoom({
fade: ol.easing.easeOut,
duration: 1300,
easing: ol.easing["easeOut"]
animation.on('animationend', function(){
map.animateFeature(f, animation);