I'm trying RoR to make an API Rest and I'm very new to ActiveStorage and I was able to upload a file using it. Now I'm struggling with it to download that file.
I have this model:
class Path < ApplicationRecord
validates :name, presence: true, uniqueness: true
validates :size, numericality: { greater_than: 0 }, presence: true
has_one_attached :file_element, dependent: :destroy
and this controller:
class Api::V1::PathsController < ApplicationController
def download
path = User.find(params[:id])
binary = path.file_element.download
# stucked here
I can't go further. According to the documentation I can use download to have a file. But I can't get this working.
So, please, how to keep going from here?
You can send it through send_data
send_data(open(path.file_element.url).read, type: path.file_element.content_type)