I have the following code on jsfiddle but I want the image to scale out from the center as opposed to from the left hand side
What do I need to add to the code to make this happen?
Thanks in advance
img {
width: 500px;
height: 250px;
-moz-animation: scale 0.5s; /* Firefox */
-webkit-animation: scale 0.5s; /* Safari and Chrome */
-o-animation: scale 0.5s; /* Opera */
animation: scale 0.5s;
@keyframes scale {
from {
to {
@-moz-keyframes scale { /* Firefox */
from {
to {
@-webkit-keyframes scale { /* Safari and Chrome */
from {
to {
@-o-keyframes scale { /* Opera */
from {
to {
This snippet assumes that you want to reserve the space for the expanded image from the start - ie so that its expanding does not alter the position of surrounding elements.
It replaces the img element with a div of the appropriate size and attaches a pseudo element to that which has the required image as background and which animates on the X axis from scale 0 to full size. This makes the image expand from the center rather than the left.
.expandimg {
width: 500px;
height: 250px;
position: relative;
div::before {
content: '';
animation: scale 0.5s;
background-image: url(https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2020/04/01/01/02/science-4989678_960_720.png);
background-size: cover;
background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat;
background-position: center center;
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: inline-block;
@keyframes scale {
from {
transform: scaleX(0);
to {
transform: scaleX(100%);
<div class="expandimg"></div>