In a basic kotlin js project, I imported the firebase dependency. I used Dukat to get access to the type references and got them to compile. My kotlin compiles like a charm, however it seems to me like the bundle created by webpack does not contain the firebase library in the end.
What I did :
npm install firebase
)dukat firebase/app/dist/app/index.d.ts
).After a few changes, my Kotlin compiles fine. When running it however, I am facing a Uncaught ReferenceError: firebase is not defined error
in the frontend. This error happens before the code using firebase gets invoked, so I think that the problem comes from the bundling somehow.
Here is my stacktrace:
sample-firebase.js:391 Uncaught Error: Cannot find module 'firebase'
at webpackMissingModule (sample-firebase.js:3)
at eval (sample-firebase.js:3)
at eval (sample-firebase.js:8)
at Object../kotlin-dce-dev/sample-firebase.js (sample-firebase.js:359)
at __webpack_require__ (sample-firebase.js:388)
at sample-firebase.js:1447
at sample-firebase.js:1450
at webpackUniversalModuleDefinition (sample-firebase.js:17)
at sample-firebase.js:18
[webpack-dev-server] Module not found: Error: Package path . is not exported from package /Users/julien/Developer/kotlin-samples/sample-firebase/build/js/node_modules/firebase (see exports field in /Users/julien/Developer/kotlin-samples/sample-firebase/build/js/node_modules/firebase/package.json)
Here is my Client code (the only actually interesting line is the one containing initializeApp
fun main() {
val firebaseConfig: Json = json(...)
val fire = initializeApp(firebaseConfig)
window.onload = {
console.log(sorted(arrayOf(1, 2, 3)))
document.body?.sayHello() } }
Commenting out the firebase related code completely removes the error (but obviously also doesn't add firebase functionalities).
My client is available here. You can reproduce by running ./gradlew run
in the sample-firebase module.
I have tried quite a few things:
What are ways to find the discrepancy between my Kotlin declarations that compile, and don't throw errors, and my frontend which just fails to import firebase?
Dukat is still experimental. Use handmade wrapper. Something like that:
external interface FirebaseOptions{
external interface FirebaseAppSettings{
var setting: String // needed settings
external interface FirebaseApp{
external val firebaseModule: dynamic
val initializeApp: (options: FirebaseOptions, config: FirebaseAppSettings) -> FirebaseApp = firebaseModule.initializeApp
add to build.gradle:
implementation(npm("firebase", "9.1.3"))
and use it:
fun main() {
val options: dynamic = object {}
val config: dynamic = object {}
config["setting"] = "xxx"
val firebaseApp = initializeApp(