This is probably a duplicate. But after a day of research I was hoping for your leniency. It is a question about covariance.
Why can I do this?
List<Animal> allAnimals = new List<Animal>();
allAnimals.Add(new Dog());
allAnimals.Add(new Cat());
But cannot do this?
List<Dog> aBunchOfDogs = new List<Dog>();
allAnimals = aBunchOfDogs;
I have read a few discussions on covariance.
"Converting lists to interface lists"
"Casting list to interface list"
My understanding is, that I cannot add a list of dogs to a list of animals because then I could add a cat to the animal list, which would be dangerous. But adding a single instance of a cat or a dog to a list of animals is just as dangerous isn't it? It seems to me that C# is undecided on whether to trust me or not.
Assuming you understand why you can pass a Dog
and Cat
instance to a method accepting Animal
, here's why your latter example isn't allowed:
List<Dog> aBunchOfDogs = new List<Dog>();
allAnimals = aBunchOfDogs;
allAnimals.Add(new Cat()); // Fine because allAnimals is List<Animal>
foreach (var dog in aBunchOfDogs)
dog.Woof(); // The Cat can't woof