I am trying to create a function which allows column names to be passed in by the user and I find that the resulting plot is simply one dot in the middle of screen. What needs to change for it to work as intended? My minimalist example is:
weather <- data.frame(Month = month.name[1:5], `Low Temperature` = 20:16,
`High Temperature` = seq(30, 22, -2), check.names = FALSE)
xVariable <- "Month"
yVariable <- "High Temperature"
yVariable <- enquo(yVariable)
ggplot(weather, aes(x = xVariable, y = !!yVariable)) + geom_point()
Because it's quoted text, instead of enquo
, use rlang::sym
xVariable <- "Month"
yVariable <- "High Temperature"
fun <- function(dat, xvar, yvar) {
xvar <- rlang::sym(xvar)
yvar <- rlang::sym(yvar)
p1 <-dat %>%
ggplot(aes(x = !!xvar, y = !!yvar)) +
fun(weather, xVariable, yVariable)