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Query to group by a type considering a grouping with a priority scale

I need to group some data based on their types and considering a priority scale.

Consider this CTE below as an example.

WITH classif AS
    select 1 as id, 'account' as type, 'high' as priority from dual union all
    select 2 as id, 'account' as type, 'none' as priority from dual union all
    select 3 as id, 'account' as type, 'medium' as priority from dual union all
    select 4 as id, 'security' as type, 'high' as priority from dual union all
    select 5 as id, 'security' as type, 'medium' as priority from dual union all
    select 6 as id, 'security' as type, 'low' as priority from dual union all
    select 7 as id, 'security' as type, 'none' as priority from dual union all
    select 8 as id, 'transform' as type, 'none' as priority from dual union all
    select 9 as id, 'transform' as type, 'none' as priority from dual union all
    select 10 as id, 'transform' as type, 'none' as priority from dual union all
    select 11 as id, 'transform' as type, 'none' as priority from dual union all
    select 12 as id, 'enrollment' as type, 'medium' as priority from dual union all
    select 13 as id, 'enrollment' as type, 'low' as priority from dual union all
    select 14 as id, 'enrollment' as type, 'low' as priority from dual union all
    select 15 as id, 'enrollment' as type, 'low' as priority from dual;
    select 15 as id, 'process' as type, 'low' as priority from dual;
    select 15 as id, 'process' as type, 'none' as priority from dual;
    select 15 as id, 'process' as type, 'none' as priority from dual;

For this data set, my output has to be like this

type        |  priority
account     |  high
security    |  high
transform   |  none
enrollment  |  medium
process     |  low

The scale for priority is from "high" to "none"

The rules for the output must be like this

  • When a type has a line with priority "high", the output for that type must be "high".
  • When a type has a line with priority "medium" and do not have other with "high", the output must by "medium".
  • When a type has a line with priority "low" and do not have other with "high" or "medium", the output must by "low".
  • When a type has a line with priority "none" and do not have any other, the output must be "none"

I'm trying to do something like this query below, but this will return all lines and not grouping according to priorities

        when priority = 'high' then 'high'
        when priority = 'medium' and priority <> 'high' then 'medium'
        when priority = 'medium' and priority <> 'high' then 'medium'
        when priority = 'low' and priority <> 'high' or priority <> 'medium' then 'low'
        when priority = 'none' and priority <> 'high' or priority <> 'medium' or priority <> 'low' then 'none'
        end as priority        
from classif
group by type,
    when priority = 'high' then 'high'
        when priority = 'medium' and priority <> 'high' then 'medium'
        when priority = 'medium' and priority <> 'high' then 'medium'
        when priority = 'low' and priority <> 'high' or priority <> 'medium' then 'low'
        when priority = 'none' and priority <> 'high' or priority <> 'medium' or priority <> 'low' then 'none'

Can you help me solve this in the query?


  • You can use ROW_NUMBER and order by a CASE statement to convert the priorities to a numerical value:

    SELECT id, type, priority
    FROM   (
      SELECT c.*,
             ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
               PARTITION BY type
               ORDER BY CASE priority
                        WHEN 'high'   THEN 1
                        WHEN 'medium' THEN 2
                        WHEN 'low'    THEN 3
                                      ELSE 4
             ) AS rn
      FROM   classif c
    WHERE rn = 1;

    Or, you can use MAX(...) KEEP (DENSE RANK FIRST ...) and order similarly using a CASE statement:

             DENSE_RANK FIRST
             ORDER BY CASE priority
                      WHEN 'high'   THEN 1
                      WHEN 'medium' THEN 2
                      WHEN 'low'    THEN 3
                                    ELSE 4
           ) AS id,
           MAX(priority) KEEP (
             DENSE_RANK FIRST
             ORDER BY CASE priority
                      WHEN 'high'   THEN 1
                      WHEN 'medium' THEN 2
                      WHEN 'low'    THEN 3
                                    ELSE 4
           ) AS priority
    FROM   classif
    GROUP BY type

    Or, you can use a sub-query to store the relative priority levels and use a join:

           MAX(c.priority) KEEP (DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY AS priority
    FROM   classif c
           LEFT OUTER JOIN (
             SELECT 'high' AS priority, 3 As id FROM DUAL UNION ALL
             SELECT 'medium', 2 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
             SELECT 'low',    1 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
             SELECT 'none',   0 FROM DUAL
           ) p
           ON c.priority = p.priority
    GROUP BY c.type

    Which, for your sample data, all output:

    1 account high
    12 enrollment medium
    15 process low
    4 security high
    8 transform none

    db<>fiddle here