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Incorrect rule matched in boost spirit x3 grammar

I am a bit of a newbee using Spirit.

I am trying to construct an AST tree from a simple "excel" formula using spirit x3. The grammar supports typical operators (+,-,*,/), functions (myfunc(myparam1, myparam2)) and cell references (eg A1, AA234).

So an example expression to be parsed might be A1 + sin(A2+3).

The problem is that the xlreference rule below never gets matched as the xlfunction rule takes precedence and the rule does not backtrack. I have experimented with expect, but I am lacking a few good examples to get it going.

I guess this leads onto another question relating to what is the best way to debug x3. I have seen the BOOST_SPIRIT_X3_DEBUG define, but I could not find any examples that demonstrated it's usage. I am also wrote an on_error method on the expression_class but this does not provide a good trace. I have tried to use the position tagging and with statement but this also does not provide enough information.

Any help would be appreciated!

x3::rule<class xlreference, ast::xlreference> const   xlreference{"xlreference"};
auto const xlreference_def = +alpha  > x3::uint_ > !x3::expect[char('(')];

struct identifier_class;
typedef x3::rule<identifier_class, std::string> identifier_type;
identifier_type const identifier = "identifier";
auto const identifier_def = x3::char_("a-zA-Z") > *(x3::char_("a-zA-Z") | x3::char_('_')) > !x3::expect[char('0-9')];

auto const expression_def = // constadditive_expr_def 
    term [print_action()]
    >> *(   (char_('+') > term)
        |   (char_('-') > term)

x3::rule<xlfunction_class, ast::xlfunction> const xlfunction("xlfunction");
auto const xlfunction_def = identifier > '(' > *(expression > *(',' > expression)) > ')';


auto const term_def = //constmultiplicative_expr_def 
    >> *(   (char_('*') > factor) 
        |   (char_('/') > factor) 

auto const factor_def = // constunary_expr_def 
    xlfunction [print_action()]
    |   '(' > expression > ')' 
    |   (char_('-') > factor) 
    |   (char_('+') > factor) 
    | x3::double_  [print_action()] | xlreference [print_action()]

The error handler:

    struct expression_class //: x3::annotate_on_success
    //  Our error handler
    template <typename Iterator, typename Exception, typename Context>
    on_error(Iterator& q, Iterator const& last, Exception const& x, Context const& context)
            << "Error! Expecting: "
            << x.which()
            << " here: \""
            << std::string(x.where(), last)
            << "\""
            << std::endl
        return x3::error_handler_result::fail;

Position tag:

client::ast::program ast;
bool r = phrase_parse(iter, (iterator_type const ) str.end(), parser, x3::space, ast);
if (!r) {
    std::cout << "failed:" << str << "\n";


  • Okay, taking the review one step at a time. Making up AST types along the way (because you didn't care to show).

    1. This is invalid code: char('0-9'). Is that a wide-character literal? Enable your compiler warnings! You probably meant x3::char_("0-9") (two important differences!).

    2. !x3::expect[] is a contradiction. You can never pass that condition, because ! asserts the lookahead is NOT matched, while expect[] REQUIRES a match. So, best case ! fails because the expect[]-ation is matched. Worst case expect[] throws an exception because you asked it to.

    3. operator > is already an expectation point. For the same reason as before > !p is a contradiction. Make it >> !p

    4. Replace char_("0-9") with x3::digit

    5. Replace char_("a-zA-Z") with x3::alpha

    6. Some (many) rules NEED to be lexemes. That's because you invoke the grammar in a skipper context (phrase_parse with x3::space). You identifier will silently eat whitespace, because you didn't make them lexemes. See Boost spirit skipper issues

    7. Negative lookahead assertions don't expose attributes so ! char_('(') could (should?) be ! lit('(')

    8. presence of semantic actions (by default) suppresses attribute propagation - so print_action() will cause attribute propagation to stop

    9. Expectation points (operator>) by defintion cannot backtrack. That's what makes them expecation points.

    10. use the List operator of composing with kleene-star: p >> *(',' >> p) -> p % ','

    11. That extra kleene-star was bogus. Did you mean to make the argument list optional? That's -(expression % ',')

    12. the chaining operator rules make it slightly cumbersome to get the ast right

    13. Simplify

      factor >> *((x3::char_('*') > factor) //
                 | (x3::char_('/') > factor));

      To just factor >> *(x3::char_("*/") >> factor);

    14. factor_def logically matches what expression would be?

    A first review pass yields:

    auto const xlreference_def =
        x3::lexeme[+x3::alpha >> x3::uint_] >> !x3::char_('(');
    auto const identifier_def =
        x3::raw[x3::lexeme[x3::alpha >> *(x3::alpha | '_') >> !x3::digit]];
    auto const xlfunction_def = identifier >> '(' >> -(expression % ',') >> ')';
    auto const term_def = factor >> *(x3::char_("*/") >> factor);
    auto const factor_def = xlfunction //
        | '(' >> expression >> ')'     //
        | x3::double_                  //
        | xlreference;
    auto const expression_def = term >> *(x3::char_("-+") >> term);

    More observations:

    1. (iterator_type const)str.end()?? Never use C-style casts. In fact, just use str.cend() or indeed str.end() if str is suitably const anyways.

    2. phrase_parse - consider NOT making the skipper a caller's decision, since it logically is part of your grammar

    3. many kinds of excel expressions are not parsed: A:A, $A4, B$4, all cell ranges; I think often R1C1 is also supported


    So, leaning on a lot of experience, I'm going to Crystall Ball™ some AST®:

    namespace client::ast {
        using identifier = std::string;
        //using identifier = boost::iterator_range<std::string::const_iterator>;
        struct string_literal  : std::string {
            using std::string::string;
            using std::string::operator=;
            friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, string_literal const& sl) {
                return os << std::quoted(sl) ;
        struct xlreference {
            std::string colname;
            size_t      rownum;
        struct xlfunction; // fwd
        struct binary_op;  // fwd
        using expression = boost::variant<        //
            double,                               //
            string_literal,                       //
            identifier,                           //
            xlreference,                          //
            boost::recursive_wrapper<xlfunction>, //
            boost::recursive_wrapper<binary_op>   //
        struct xlfunction{
            identifier              name;
            std::vector<expression> args;
            friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, xlfunction const& xlf)
                os << << "(";
                char const* sep = "";
                for (auto& arg : xlf.args)
                    os << std::exchange(sep, ", ") << arg;
                return os;
        struct binary_op {
            struct chained_t {
                char       op;
                expression e;
            expression             lhs;
            std::vector<chained_t> chained;
            friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, binary_op const& bop)
                os << "(" << bop.lhs;
                for (auto& rhs : bop.chained)
                os << rhs.op << rhs.e;
                return os << ")";
        using program = expression;
        using boost::fusion::operator<<;
    } // namespace client::ast

    Which we promptly adapt:

    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(client::ast::xlfunction, name, args)
    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(client::ast::xlreference, colname, rownum)
    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(client::ast::binary_op, lhs, chained)
    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(client::ast::binary_op::chained_t, op, e)

    Next, let's declare suitable rules:

    x3::rule<struct identifier_class, ast::identifier>  const identifier{"identifier"};
    x3::rule<struct xlreference,      ast::xlreference> const xlreference{"xlreference"};
    x3::rule<struct xlfunction_class, ast::xlfunction>  const xlfunction{"xlfunction"};
    x3::rule<struct factor_class,     ast::expression>  const factor{"factor"};
    x3::rule<struct expression_class, ast::binary_op>   const expression{"expression"};
    x3::rule<struct term_class,       ast::binary_op>   const term{"term"};

    Which need definitions:

    auto const xlreference_def =
        x3::lexeme[+x3::alpha >> x3::uint_] /*>> !x3::char_('(')*/;

    Note how the look-ahead assertion (!) doesn't actually change the parse result, as any cell reference isn't a valid identifier anyways, so the () would remain unparsed.

    auto const identifier_def =
        x3::raw[x3::lexeme[x3::alpha >> *(x3::alpha | '_') /*>> !x3::digit*/]];

    Same here. Remaining input will be checked against with x3::eoi later.

    I threw in a string literal because any Excel clone would have one:

    auto const string_literal =
        x3::rule<struct _, ast::string_literal>{"string_literal"} //
    = x3::lexeme['"' > *('\\' >> x3::char_ | ~x3::char_('"')) > '"'];

    Note that this demonstrates that non-recursive, locally-defined rules don't need separate definitions.

    Then come the expression rules

    auto const factor_def =        //
        xlfunction                 //
        | '(' >> expression >> ')' //
        | x3::double_              //
        | string_literal           //
        | xlreference              //
        | identifier               //

    I'd usually call this "simple expression" instead of factor.

    auto const term_def       = factor >> *(x3::char_("*/") >>  factor);
    auto const expression_def = term >> *(x3::char_("-+") >> term);
    auto const xlfunction_def = identifier >> '(' >> -(expression % ',') >> ')';

    Straight-forward mappings to the AST.


    'Nuff said. Now comes a bit of cargo cult - remnants of code both unshown and unused, which I'll mostly just accept and ignore here:

    int main() {
        std::vector<int> positions; // TODO
        auto parser = x3::with<struct position_cache_tag /*TODO*/>        //
            (std::ref(positions))                                         //
                [                                                         //
                    x3::skip(x3::space)[                                  //
                        client::calculator_grammar::expression >> x3::eoi //
        ]                                                                 //

    DO NOTE though that x3::eoi makes it so the rule doesn't match if end of input (modulo skipper) isn't reached.

    Now, let's add some test cases!

    struct {
        std::string              category;
        std::vector<std::string> cases;
    } test_table[] = {
            {"A1", "A1111", "AbCdZ9876543", "i9", "i0"},
            {"i", "id", "id_entifier"},
            {"123", "inf", "-inf", "NaN", ".99e34", "1e-8", "1.e-8", "+9"},
            {                                                       //
             "3+4", "3*4",                                          //
             "3+4+5", "3*4*5", "3+4*5", "3*4+5", "3*4+5",           //
             "3+(4+5)", "3*(4*5)", "3+(4*5)", "3*(4+5)", "3*(4+5)", //
             "(3+4)+5", "(3*4)*5", "(3+4)*5", "(3*4)+5", "(3*4)+5"},
                R"--(IIF(A1, "Red", "Green"))--",
                "A9()", // an xlreference may not be followed by ()
                "",     // you didn't specify
                "A-9",    // 1-letter identifier and binary operation
                "1 + +9", // unary plus accepted in number rule
                "myfunc(myparam1, myparam2)",
                "A1 + sin(A2+3)",

    And run them:

    for (auto& [cat, cases] : test_table) {
        for (std::string const& str : cases) {
            auto iter = begin(str), last(end(str));
            std::cout << std::setw(12) << cat << ": ";
            client::ast::program ast;
            if (parse(iter, last, parser, ast)) {
                std::cout << "parsed: " << ast;
            } else {
                std::cout << "failed: " << std::quoted(str);
            if (iter == last) {
                std::cout << "\n";
            } else {
                std::cout << " unparsed: "
                          << std::quoted(std::string_view(iter, last)) << "\n";

    Live Demo

    Live On Coliru

    //#define BOOST_SPIRIT_X3_DEBUG
    #include <boost/fusion/adapted.hpp>
    #include <boost/fusion/include/io.hpp>
    #include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
    #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/ast/position_tagged.hpp>
    #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/utility/annotate_on_success.hpp>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <iomanip>
    #include <map>
    namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
    namespace client::ast {
        using identifier = std::string;
        //using identifier = boost::iterator_range<std::string::const_iterator>;
        struct string_literal  : std::string {
            using std::string::string;
            using std::string::operator=;
            friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, string_literal const& sl) {
                return os << std::quoted(sl) ;
        struct xlreference {
            std::string colname;
            size_t      rownum;
        struct xlfunction; // fwd
        struct binary_op;  // fwd
        using expression = boost::variant<        //
            double,                               //
            string_literal,                       //
            identifier,                           //
            xlreference,                          //
            boost::recursive_wrapper<xlfunction>, //
            boost::recursive_wrapper<binary_op>   //
        struct xlfunction{
            identifier              name;
            std::vector<expression> args;
            friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, xlfunction const& xlf)
                os << << "(";
                char const* sep = "";
                for (auto& arg : xlf.args)
                    os << std::exchange(sep, ", ") << arg;
                return os;
        struct binary_op {
            struct chained_t {
                char       op;
                expression e;
            expression             lhs;
            std::vector<chained_t> chained;
            friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, binary_op const& bop)
                os << "(" << bop.lhs;
                for (auto& rhs : bop.chained)
                os << rhs.op << rhs.e;
                return os << ")";
        using program = expression;
        using boost::fusion::operator<<;
    } // namespace client::ast
    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(client::ast::xlfunction, name, args)
    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(client::ast::xlreference, colname, rownum)
    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(client::ast::binary_op, lhs, chained)
    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(client::ast::binary_op::chained_t, op, e)
    namespace client::calculator_grammar {
        struct expression_class //: x3::annotate_on_success
            //  Our error handler
            template <typename Iterator, typename Exception, typename Context>
            x3::error_handler_result on_error(Iterator& q, Iterator const& last,
                                              Exception const& x,
                                              Context const&   context)
                std::cout                                          //
                    << "Error! Expecting: " << x.which()           //
                    << " here: \"" << std::string(x.where(), last) //
                    << "\"" << std::endl;
                return x3::error_handler_result::fail;
        x3::rule<struct identifier_class, ast::identifier>  const identifier{"identifier"};
        x3::rule<struct xlreference,      ast::xlreference> const xlreference{"xlreference"};
        x3::rule<struct xlfunction_class, ast::xlfunction>  const xlfunction{"xlfunction"};
        x3::rule<struct factor_class,     ast::expression>  const factor{"factor"};
        x3::rule<struct expression_class, ast::binary_op>   const expression{"expression"};
        x3::rule<struct term_class,       ast::binary_op>   const term{"term"};
        auto const xlreference_def =
            x3::lexeme[+x3::alpha >> x3::uint_] /*>> !x3::char_('(')*/;
        auto const identifier_def =
            x3::raw[x3::lexeme[x3::alpha >> *(x3::alpha | '_') /*>> !x3::digit*/]];
        auto const string_literal =
            x3::rule<struct _, ast::string_literal>{"string_literal"} //
        = x3::lexeme['"' > *('\\' >> x3::char_ | ~x3::char_('"')) > '"'];
        auto const factor_def =        //
            xlfunction                 //
            | '(' >> expression >> ')' //
            | x3::double_              //
            | string_literal           //
            | xlreference              //
            | identifier               //
        auto const term_def       = factor >> *(x3::char_("*/") >>  factor);
        auto const expression_def = term >> *(x3::char_("-+") >> term);
        auto const xlfunction_def = identifier >> '(' >> -(expression % ',') >> ')';
    } // namespace client::calculator_grammar
    int main() {
        std::vector<int> positions; // TODO
        auto parser = x3::with<struct position_cache_tag /*TODO*/>        //
            (std::ref(positions))                                         //
                [                                                         //
                    x3::skip(x3::space)[                                  //
                        client::calculator_grammar::expression >> x3::eoi //
        ]                                                                 //
        struct {
            std::string              category;
            std::vector<std::string> cases;
        } test_table[] = {
                {"A1", "A1111", "AbCdZ9876543", "i9", "i0"},
                {"i", "id", "id_entifier"},
                {"123", "inf", "-inf", "NaN", ".99e34", "1e-8", "1.e-8", "+9"},
                {                                                       //
                 "3+4", "3*4",                                          //
                 "3+4+5", "3*4*5", "3+4*5", "3*4+5", "3*4+5",           //
                 "3+(4+5)", "3*(4*5)", "3+(4*5)", "3*(4+5)", "3*(4+5)", //
                 "(3+4)+5", "(3*4)*5", "(3+4)*5", "(3*4)+5", "(3*4)+5"},
                    R"--(IIF(A1, "Red", "Green"))--",
                    "A9()", // an xlreference may not be followed by ()
                    "",     // you didn't specify
                    "A-9",    // 1-letter identifier and binary operation
                    "1 + +9", // unary plus accepted in number rule
                    "myfunc(myparam1, myparam2)",
                    "A1 + sin(A2+3)",
        for (auto& [cat, cases] : test_table) {
            for (std::string const& str : cases) {
                auto iter = begin(str), last(end(str));
                std::cout << std::setw(12) << cat << ": ";
                client::ast::program ast;
                if (parse(iter, last, parser, ast)) {
                    std::cout << "parsed: " << ast;
                } else {
                    std::cout << "failed: " << std::quoted(str);
                if (iter == last) {
                    std::cout << "\n";
                } else {
                    std::cout << " unparsed: "
                              << std::quoted(std::string_view(iter, last)) << "\n";


     xlreference: parsed: (((A 1)))
     xlreference: parsed: (((A 1111)))
     xlreference: parsed: (((AbCdZ 9876543)))
     xlreference: parsed: (((i 9)))
     xlreference: parsed: (((i 0)))
      identifier: parsed: ((i))
      identifier: parsed: ((id))
      identifier: parsed: ((id_entifier))
          number: parsed: ((123))
          number: parsed: ((inf))
          number: parsed: ((-inf))
          number: parsed: ((nan))
          number: parsed: ((9.9e+33))
          number: parsed: ((1e-08))
          number: parsed: ((1e-08))
          number: parsed: ((9))
        binaries: parsed: ((3)+(4))
        binaries: parsed: ((3*4))
        binaries: parsed: ((3)+(4)+(5))
        binaries: parsed: ((3*4*5))
        binaries: parsed: ((3)+(4*5))
        binaries: parsed: ((3*4)+(5))
        binaries: parsed: ((3*4)+(5))
        binaries: parsed: ((3)+(((4)+(5))))
        binaries: parsed: ((3*((4*5))))
        binaries: parsed: ((3)+(((4*5))))
        binaries: parsed: ((3*((4)+(5))))
        binaries: parsed: ((3*((4)+(5))))
        binaries: parsed: ((((3)+(4)))+(5))
        binaries: parsed: ((((3*4))*5))
        binaries: parsed: ((((3)+(4))*5))
        binaries: parsed: ((((3*4)))+(5))
        binaries: parsed: ((((3*4)))+(5))
      xlfunction: parsed: ((pi())
      xlfunction: parsed: ((sin(((4))))
      xlfunction: parsed: ((IIF((((A 1))), (("Red")), (("Green"))))
         invalid: failed: "A9()" unparsed: "A9()"
         invalid: failed: ""
           other: parsed: ((A)-(9))
           other: parsed: ((1)+(9))
        question: parsed: ((myfunc((((myparam 1))), (((myparam 2)))))
        question: parsed: (((A 1)))
        question: parsed: (((AA 234)))
        question: parsed: (((A 1))+(sin((((A 2))+(3))))

    The only two failed lines are as expected


    Simply uncomment


    And be slammed with additional noise:

        question: <expression>
      <try>A1 + sin(A2+3)</try>
        <try>A1 + sin(A2+3)</try>
          <try>A1 + sin(A2+3)</try>
            <try>A1 + sin(A2+3)</try>
              <try>A1 + sin(A2+3)</try>
              <success>1 + sin(A2+3)</success>
            <try>A1 + sin(A2+3)</try>
            <try>A1 + sin(A2+3)</try>
            <success> + sin(A2+3)</success>
            <attributes>[[A], 1]</attributes>
          <success> + sin(A2+3)</success>
          <attributes>[[A], 1]</attributes>
        <success> + sin(A2+3)</success>
        <attributes>[[[A], 1], []]</attributes>
        <try> sin(A2+3)</try>
          <try> sin(A2+3)</try>
            <try> sin(A2+3)</try>
              <try> sin(A2+3)</try>
              <attributes>[s, i, n]</attributes>
                    <attributes>[[A], 2]</attributes>
                  <attributes>[[A], 2]</attributes>
                <attributes>[[[A], 2], []]</attributes>
                <attributes>[3, []]</attributes>
              <attributes>[[[[A], 2], []], [[+, [3, []]]]]</attributes>
            <attributes>[[s, i, n], [[[[[A], 2], []], [[+, [3, []]]]]]]</attributes>
          <attributes>[[s, i, n], [[[[[A], 2], []], [[+, [3, []]]]]]]</attributes>
        <attributes>[[[s, i, n], [[[[[A], 2], []], [[+, [3, []]]]]]], []]</attributes>
      <attributes>[[[[A], 1], []], [[+, [[[s, i, n], [[[[[A], 2], []], [[+, [3, []]]]]]], []]]]]</attributes>
    parsed: (((A 1))+(sin((((A 2))+(3))))