I have an ASP.Net core app hosted by my localhost IIS server. I can run it without issue by pointing the browser to the IIS site. But when I try to run it from Visual Studio in debug mode, I am getting this error "Unable to get the process ID of the IIS application pool 'DEV_MVC' hosting project 'MvcClient'", where DEV_MVC is the app pool I am targeting and MvcClient is my project name. Here is the app pool as shown in IIS manager
and here is the application contained in that app pool
here is how I have my MvcCleint project configured
Can somebody show me what I am missing here?
I was able to get past the issue by removing the "/MvcClient" from the App URL value of my project configuration. I think what happens when I do this is that the app targets a different app pool which contains the same IIS app but with a Virtual Path value of "Root Application", instead of "/MvcClient". This app pool was automatically created when I load the project in Visual Studio.