I have two arrays, y_train
which is a 1D array, and x_train
which is a 2D array. I need to dynamically allocate these two arrays using posix_memalign.
I did that for y_train
correctly. where I convert int y_train[4344]
into the following code.
int* Y_train;
posix_memalign((void**)(&Y_train), 64, sizeof(int) * 4344);
Now, I want to convert int x_train[4344][20];
in the same way but not sure how.
Get a memory block of the complete size and assign it to a pointer of the correct type:
void *ptr;
posix_memalign(&ptr, 64, sizeof(int) * 4344);
int *Y_train = (int*)ptr;
posix_memalign(&ptr, 64, sizeof(int) * 20 * 4344);
int (*x_train)[20] = (int (*)[20])ptr;
Now the whole 2D array is correct aligned, but not all inner arrays are correct aligned, because the 20 * sizeof(int)
is not a multiple of 64
When you need every inner array of 20
s to be aligned correctly, you have to add padding bytes, 12
s, then every inner array has 128
posix_memalign(&ptr, 64, sizeof(int) * 32 * 4344);
int (*x_train)[32] = (int (*)[32])ptr;
Just ignore the last 12