Search code examples

Google Rich Results Test - Item does not support reviews

I was trying out a bunch of things on Google's Rich Results Test, and ran into this issue.

  <title>Test SEO</title>
    <script type="application/ld+json">
            "name": "ABC",
             "author": {
               "@type": "Person",
               "name": "David A"
            "name": "ABC",
             "author": {
               "@type": "Person",
               "name": "David B"

When I ran the test, it returned 3 errors, 2 of them saying

Item does not support reviews

and 1 of them saying

Invalid object type for field 'itemReviewed'

For the first error, I'm not sure why I'm getting the error as I provided all the required fields for a review (

As for the second error, again I think I provided all the needed fields according to, but still getting back that error.

I didn't provide itemReviewed to either objects, since the document indicated if it's nested, it can be omitted.


  • So the best answer I found was this:

    It seems like even though supports Service, it's not part of the schema type that is supported by Google by the looks of it (

    As a reference, this is an example from their docs, and if you change the @type from Product to Service, you will see similar errors pop up.

    I guess the solution here is to update from Service to Product, but it's just a bit weird considering how GSC(Google Search Console) didn't spit out warnings until now...