I am trying to put some data in PDF with reportlab. I fetch this data from a dataframe. However, since one field is a little text, this should have some breaklines to make it readable in the PDF.
The part of the code where I extract my data:
style_texto4=ParagraphStyle(name='Normal4', fontName='Times-Roman', fontSize=15)
texto4=Paragraph(f"{df.set_index('concat').loc[i]['Text']}", style=style_texto4)
texto4.wrapOn(c, 600, 600)
texto4.drawOn(c, 90, 380)
Imagine my text is like this:
'Hello, my name is John and I am trying to insert some breaklines \n in my pdf so that it displays correctly in my html format'.
And this raises:
syntax error: No content allowed in br tag
Newline character (\n) will not work. You can achieve this by using <br />
Help: How to insert a carriage return in a ReportLab paragraph?