i'm trying to save a profile picture and i save it with asyncStorage. store part working perfectly but if i close app and reopen it doesn`t show image.
i logging image uri and there is uri but cant solve the problem.
here is my code
this is image pick part
const ImagePick = async () => {
const options = {
title: 'Seçim yapınız.',
cancelButtonTitle: 'İptal',
takePhotoButtonTitle: 'Bir fotoğraf çek',
chooseFromLibraryButtonTitle: 'Galeriden seç',
chooseWhichLibraryTitle: 'Galeriden seç',
mediaType: 'photo',
storageOptions: {skipBackup: true, path: 'images'},
let isCameraPermitted = await requestCameraPermission();
let isStoragePermitted = await requestExternalWritePermission();
if (isCameraPermitted && isStoragePermitted) {
ImagePicker.showImagePicker(options, async response => {
//console.log('response', response);
if (response.didCancel) {
console.log('Kullanıcı fotoğraf seçimini iptal etti');
} else if (response.customButton) {
console.log('Özel butona tıklandı.');
} else if (response.error) {
console.log('error', 'Bir hata oluştu.');
} else {
let uri = response.uri;
let path = response.uri;
if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {
path = '~' + path.substring(path.indexOf('/Documents'));
if (!response.fileName) {
response.fileName = path.split('/').pop();
let name = response.fileName;
let type = `image/${name.split('.').slice(-1)[0]}`;
console.log('uri', uri);
console.log('name', name);
console.log('type', type);
try {
await AsyncStorage.setItem('profilePicture', response.uri);
console.log('async storage kayıt başarılı');
} catch (error) {
i get image like this
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const getProfilePicture = async () => {
const profilePicture = await AsyncStorage.getItem('profilePicture');
console.log('profilePicture', profilePicture);
if (profilePicture !== null) {
} else {
emulator is the problem. in device it's working