I have a Pandas dataframe with a "Datetime" column that contains a, well, a datetime :)
ColA Datetime ColB
---- ------------------- ----
1 2021-01-01 05:02:22 SomeVal
2 2021-01-01 01:01:22 SomeOtherVal
I want to create a new Date column that has only two rules:
1. If the "time" element of datetime is between 00:00:00 and 02:00:00 then make Date the "date" element of Datetime - 1 (the previous day)
2. Otherwise make Date the "date" element of Datetime as is
To achieve this, I'm going to have to run a check on the Datetime column. How would that look? Also, bonus points if I don't need to iterate the dataframe in order to achieve this.
Convert values to datetimes and if time is less like 02:00:00
subtract one day in Series.mask
from datetime import time
df['Datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Datetime'])
df['Datetime'] = df['Datetime'].mask(df['Datetime'].dt.time <= time(2, 0, 0),
df['Datetime'] - pd.Timedelta('1 day'))
print (df)
ColA Datetime ColB
0 1 2021-01-01 05:02:22 SomeVal
1 2 2020-12-31 01:01:22 SomeOtherVal