I am using moment js to convert the date to UTC like this
var a = moment.utc('20-Oct-2021').tz('Asia/Kolkata');
This results 2021-10-20T05:30:00+05:30
Now I am trying to use access this from Newsland that is from this timezone Pacific/Auckland - In system I changed my timezone to this which is +13.
Now the result for
If you notice the date is 21 instead of 20 which is the actual date stored.
Facing problem with all greater than +-12
Changing your timezone doesn't change the timezone of a
since its zone is manually set. You need to use local()
to get the time in your timezone.
// Always pass the string format if the string is not an ISO 8601 date
var a = moment.utc('20-Oct-2021', 'DD-MMM-YYYY').tz('Asia/Kolkata');
console.log(a.utc().format()); // in UTC
console.log(a.local().format()); // This is in your timezone
a.tz("Pacific/Auckland"); // Change to Auckland
console.log(a.format()); // Auckland time
console.log(a.local().format()); // In your timezone, as same as above
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.29.1/moment.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment-timezone/0.5.33/moment-timezone-with-data-10-year-range.min.js"></script>