I'm using drake for some model-free reinforcement learning and I noticed that Drake uses a non-fixed step integration when simulating an update. This makes sense for the sake of integrating multiple times over a smaller duration when the accelerations of a body is large, but in the case of using reinforcement learning this results in some significant compute overhead and slow rollouts. I was wondering if there is a principled way to allow the simulation environment to operate in a fixed timestep integration mode beyond the method that I'm currently using (code below). I'm using the PyDrake bindings, and PPO as the RL algorithm currently.
integrator = simulator.get_mutable_integrator()
On way to change the integrator that is used for continuous-time dynamics is to call ResetIntegratorFromFlags. For example, to use the RungeKutta2Integrator you would call:
ResetIntegratorFromFlags(simulator=simulator, scheme="runge_kutta2", max_step_size=0.01)
The other thing to keep in mind is whether the System(s) you are simulating use continuous- or discrete-time dynamics, and whether that is configurable in those particular System(s). If there are no continuous-time dynamics being simulated, then the choice of integrator does not matter. Only the update period(s) of the discrete systems will matter.
In particular, if you are simulating a MultibodyPlant, it takes a time_step
argument to its constructor. When zero, it will use continue-time dynamics; when greater than zero, it will use discrete-time dynamics.
When I've used Drake for RL, I've almost always put the MultibodyPlant into discrete mode. Staring with time_step=0.001
is usually a safe choice. You might be able to use a larger step depending on the bodies and properties in the scene.