I'm trying to setup a Django project and I can't seem to connect to MySQL database made in PythonAnywhere.
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
'NAME': 'username$dbname',
'USER': 'username',
'PASSWORD': 'password',
'HOST': 'username.mysql.pythonanywhere-services.com',
I cant enter the database in the PythonAnywhere Bash with my user, host, name and password, but when i try to do it in django it appears as follows:
django.db.utils.OperationalError: (2003, "Can't connect to MySQL server on 'username.mysql.pythonanywhere-services.com' (timed out)")
I couldn't fix this error. Installed MySQL Workbench and used localhost to run the database. After that, I was able to run the following code:
"default": {
"ENGINE": "django.db.backends.mysql",
"NAME": "Mysql",
"USER": "admin",
"PASSWORD": "password",
"HOST": "",
"PORT": "3306",