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In pinescript alerts is there any way to detect what the timeframe of the chart and then send alerts based on that?

I have a tradingview indicator through which I send alerts to discord, the alerts are like this

msgr1=syminfo.ticker + ',' + timeframe.period + ', Crossed Resistance 1'

if srLines==true and close > h10

The problem is timeframe.period sends alerts in multiples of 60, so if timeframe of the chart is 2 hours it sends 120, and 3 hours is 180, and so on. This is confusing to interpret for discord members, so I thought that if I could detect if timeframe.period is under a 1 day period then I could return timeframe after doing its modulus with 60

So I tried to do this

if timeframe.period < 1D
msgr1=syminfo.ticker + ',' + timeframe+ ', Crossed Resistance 1'

if srLines==true and close > h10

This does not work, but is there any way I can code this in pinescript?


  • string timeframe = na
    if timeframe.isintraday and timeframe.multiplier >= 60
        timeframe := tostring(timeframe.multiplier / 60) + "H"
    else if timeframe.isintraday and timeframe.multiplier < 60
        timeframe := tostring(timeframe.multiplier) + "m"
        timeframe := timeframe.period