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what is the arrow doing in this function?

This homework has to do with mupl (a Made Up Programming Language). mupl programs are written directly in Racket by using the constructors defined by the structs here:

(provide (all-defined-out)) ;; so we can put tests in a second file

;; definition of structures for MUPL programs - Do NOT change
(struct var  (string) #:transparent)  ;; a variable, e.g., (var "foo")
(struct int  (num)    #:transparent)  ;; a constant number, e.g., (int 17)
(struct add  (e1 e2)  #:transparent)  ;; add two expressions
(struct ifgreater (e1 e2 e3 e4)    #:transparent) ;; if e1 > e2 then e3 else e4
(struct fun  (nameopt formal body) #:transparent) ;; a recursive(?) 1-argument function
(struct call (funexp actual)       #:transparent) ;; function call
(struct mlet (var e body) #:transparent) ;; a local binding (let var = e in body) 
(struct apair (e1 e2)     #:transparent) ;; make a new pair
(struct fst  (e)    #:transparent) ;; get first part of a pair
(struct snd  (e)    #:transparent) ;; get second part of a pair
(struct aunit ()    #:transparent) ;; unit value -- good for ending a list
(struct isaunit (e) #:transparent) ;; evaluate to 1 if e is unit else 0

;; a closure is not in "source" programs but /is/ a MUPL value; it is what functions evaluate to
(struct closure (env fun) #:transparent) 

here is the function I'm asking about

(define (racketlist->mupllist e)
  (cond [(null? e) (aunit)]
        [#t (apair (car e) (racketlist->mupllist (cdr e)))]))


  • It's one identifier, not two identifiers separated by an arrow – Scheme identifiers are not limited to alphanumerical characters and underscore like many other languages.

    The conventional name of conversion functions from type A to type B is A->B, so racketlist->mupllist is a sensible name since it converts a Racket list into a mupl list.