I have created a custom DateDiff function for my access database. I want it to give a result between two dates as x years y months e.g. 2 years 7 months. The code is given below:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Function MyDateDiff(D1 As Date, D2 As Date) As Variant
' D1= Begin Date
' D2= Current Date
Dim M1 As Integer
Dim M2 As Integer
Dim Y1 As Integer
Dim y As String
Dim mo As String
If D1 = Null Then
Exit Function
End If
If D2 = Null Then
Exit Function
End If
M1 = DateDiff("m", D1, D2)
Y1 = Int(M1 / 12)
M2 = M1 - (Y1 * 12)
If Y1 > 1 Then
y = "years"
Else: y = "year"
End If
If M2 > 1 Then
mo = "months"
Else: mo = "month"
End If
MyDateDiff = Y1 & y & M2 & mo
End Function
I used it in a query but it shows an error like the following:
I need to know what I am doing wrong here. Thanks in advance.
Cannot compare anything to Null, not even another Null, because Null has nothing to compare. Use IsNull() or in query use Is Null. Review http://allenbrowne.com/casu-12.html. Also, only Variant type variable can hold Null. A variable declared as Date type will have default value of 12:00:00 AM. Consider:
Function MyDateDiff(D1 As Date, D2 As Date) As Variant
' D1= Begin Date
' D2= Current Date
Dim M1 As Integer
Dim M2 As Integer
Dim Y1 As Integer
Dim y As String
Dim m As String
If Year(D1) = 1899 Or Year(D2) = 1899 Then
MyDateDiff = Null
M1 = DateDiff("m", D1, D2)
Y1 = Int(M1 / 12)
M2 = M1 - (Y1 * 12)
y = " year" & IIf(Y1 > 1, "s", "")
m = " month" & IIf(M2 > 1, "s", "")
MyDateDiff = Y1 & y & " " & M2 & m
End If
End Function