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What is the best way to find longitude and latitude at the last screen touch of the user?

I develop an android app with the use of ArcGIS map and what im trying to do is to get the lat and long of the last screen touch. I searched for information in the Esri forum and found a solution that advises to use it:

   fun getLocation() {
    var viewPoint= mapView.getCurrentViewpoint(Viewpoint.Type.CENTER_AND_SCALE)
    var scale=viewPoint.targetScale
    //var long=??
    //var lat=??


but i found only the sacle(zoom in or out) at the last touch of the user and i want also the latitude and longtitude of it.

how do i get them from the viewpoint class or maybe from the mapview class

Thanks for any help.


  • The viewpoint returned by GetCurrentViewpoint uses the mapView's SpatialReference (probably EPSG:3857 in your case).

    Not sure about kotlin but here is how I converted it using ArcGIS .net SDK:

    var viewPoint = mapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.CenterAndScale);
    var latlon = (MapPoint)GeometryEngine.Project(viewPoint.TargetGeometry, SpatialReferences.Wgs84);
    var lat = latlon.Y;
    var lon = latlon.X;