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PhpStorm: Can't push anymore with push window (Log In to GitHub)

When I use the push window

enter image description here

And I klick on Push, suddenly a popup comes.

enter image description here

When I successfully log in using the button in the popup

enter image description here

I still receive the login popup after trying to push again

enter image description here

But when I use the terminal with the same github user, and push on the same repository, it works.

enter image description here

So it seems that the user has write access. But what should I do so that pushing with the push window works again?


In the event log, there are Repository not found errors, but when I go to the URL, I can see the repository.

09:39   Push failed
        remote: Repository not found.
        Authentication failed for ''


  • The issue seems to be happened since my coworker setted up github teams, where my account is connected.

    At the end my solution was to change the remote url https variant, to the ssh variant.

    git remote set-url origin [email protected]:[repo-owner-username]/[repo-name].git

    Now pushing over PhpStorm with the push window works again.