My data df
looks like this
ID <- c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4)
Time <- c("7:44:29","7:44:30","7:45:31","7:46:35","7:47:37","7:48:34","7:49:35","7:50:36",'7:51:13',"7:52:14","7:52:15","7:53:16")
Speed_kmh <- c(2,5,8,2,4,6,9,8,6,8,10,14)
Distance_m <- c(162,162,162,162,162,162,162,157,150,137,122,102)
df <- data.frame(ID, Time, Speed_kmh, Distance_m)
ID Time Speed_kmh Distance_m
1 1 7:44:29 2 162
2 1 7:44:30 5 162
3 1 7:45:31 8 162
4 2 7:46:35 2 162
5 2 7:47:37 4 162
6 2 7:48:34 6 162
7 3 7:49:35 9 162
8 3 7:50:36 8 157
9 3 7:51:13 6 150
10 3 7:52:14 8 137
11 4 7:52:15 10 122
12 4 7:53:16 14 102
I want to do two things based on five minutes interval
1- Count the number of unique ID values
2- Average the Speed_kmh and Distance_m values
The desired output should look like this.
ID Time Speed_kmh Distance_m
1 2 7:48:34 5 162
2 2 7:53:16 9 138
You may try
df1 %>%
mutate(Time = hms(Time)) %>%
mutate(tt = floor(lubridate::minute(Time - Time[1])/5) ) %>%
group_by(tt) %>%
summarize(ID = length(unique(ID)), Time = last(Time), Speed_kmh = mean(Speed_kmh), Distance_m = mean(Distance_m)) %>%
ID Time Speed_kmh Distance_m
<dbl> <Period> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2 7H 48M 34S 4.5 162
2 2 7H 53M 16S 9.17 138.
df1 %>%
mutate(Time = hms(Time)) %>%
mutate(ttt= (lubridate::minute(Time) + lubridate::hour(Time)* 60)) %>%
mutate(tt = floor(ttt/5) ) %>%
group_by(tt) %>%
summarize(ID = length(unique(ID)), Time = last(Time), Speed_kmh = mean(Speed_kmh), Distance_m = mean(Distance_m))
tt ID Time Speed_kmh Distance_m
<dbl> <int> <Period> <dbl> <dbl>
1 92 1 7H 44M 30S 3.5 162
2 93 3 7H 49M 35S 5.8 162
3 94 2 7H 53M 16S 9.2 134.