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Gradle sync failed: Could not install Gradle distribution from "'

I need employer authorized SSO to login to jfrog in the browser.

I'm not sure how exactly to enter these credentials in gradle files

I tried installing the jfrog plugin in IntelliJ and adding the URLs in JFrog global configuration, but the test connection failed.

Original repo has

credentials {
   username = artifactory_user
   password = artifactory_password

in settings.gradle and artifactory.gradle

I tried replacing artifactory_user with my SSO username and password with the API key generated in JFrog. Still I get the same error on

Gradle sync failed: Could not install Gradle distribution from "'

Please can anyone help?


  • I'm not sure how exactly to enter these credentials in gradle files

    have you tried or env variable ?

    What am using to access mine is this function in

    String getConfigurationProperty(String envVar, String sysProp, String defaultValue) {
        def result = System.getenv(envVar) ?: project.findProperty(sysProp)
        result ?: defaultValue

    and then i have local variable to retrive the values , wither from env variable or

    artifactoryUser = getConfigurationProperty("ARTIFACTORY_USER", "artifactoryUser", null)
    artifactoryPwd = getConfigurationProperty("ARTIFACTORY_PWD", "artifactoryPwd", null)

    where ARTIFACTORY_USER is enviroment var and artifactoryUser is variable .

    and my look like this


    make sure to add the to .gitignore if your using on Project level . or use on global level at %USER%/.gradle/ if your using windows , $HOME/. gradle/ or ( ~/. gradle/ ) if your using Linux/ubuntu .