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Liferay get all users of organization role (by organization role name)

I have an organization role in Liferay and in this organization role are users. I want to get this users now. Furthermore I want to specify the organization name of the role.

So is there something like

xxxServiceUtil.getUsersByOrganizationRoleName(String myOrganizationRoleName);

Thank you in advance.


  • One principle throughout Liferay's API is: If you look for a User, then you go through UserLocalService. That's your first hint on where to look.

    Since Liferay 7.0, you should not use the *Util classes any more, but just obtain a @Reference to the service directly.

    Looking at the service, you'll notice that it has a getRoleUsers method. However, I can't tell you if this also takes Organization-scoped roles or only portal/instance scoped ones. In case it doesn't reveal what you like, you might need to go through getOrganizationUsers and filter on from there, or start with a DynamicQuery, which you can also find within the same service (following the principle that opened this answer)