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Using Powershell to remove illegal CRLF from csv row

Gentle Reader,

I have a year's worth of vendor csv files sitting in a directory. My task is to load them into a SQL Server DB as a "Historical Load". The files are mal-formed and while we are working with the vendor to re-send 365 new, properly structured files, I have been tasked with trying to work with what we have.

I'm restricted to using either C# (as a script task in SSIS) or Powershell.

Each file has no header but the schema is known and built into the SSIS package connection.

Each file has approx 35k rows and roughly a few dozen mal-formed rows per file.

Each properly formed row consists of 122 columns, 121 comma's.

Rows are NOT text qualified.

Example: (data cleaned of PII)

555222,555222333444,1,HN71232,1/19/2018 8:58:07 AM,3437,27.50,HECTOR EVERYMAN,25-Foot Garden Hose - ,1/03/2018 10:17:24 AM,,1835,,,,,online,,MERCH,1,MERCH,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6611060033556677,2526677,,,,,,,,,,,,,,EVERYMAN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,VWDEB,,,,,,,555666NA118855,2/22/2018 12:00:00 AM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2121,,,1/29/2018 9:50:56 AM,0,,,[CRLF]
555222,555222444888,1,CASUAL50,1/09/2018 12:00:00 PM,7000,50.00,JANE SMITH,$50 Casual Gift Card,1/19/2018 8:09:15 AM,1/29/2018 8:19:25 AM,1856,,,,,online,,FREE,1,CERT,GC,,,,,,,6611060033553311[CRLF]
,,,,,,,,,25,,,6611060033556677,2556677,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,CASUAL25,VWDEB,,,,,,,555222NA118065,1/22/2018 12:00:00 AM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1/19/2018 12:00:15 PM,0,,,[CRLF]
555222,555222777666,1,CASHCS,1/12/2018 10:31:43 AM,2500,25.00,BOB SMITH,BIG BANK Rewards Cash Back Credit [...6S66],,,1821,,,,,online,,CHECK,1,CHECK,CK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,555222166446,5556677,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,VWDEB,,,1/23/2018 10:30:21 AM,,,,555666NA118844,1/22/2018 12:00:00 AM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1/22/2018 10:31:26 AM,0,,,[CRLF]

Powershell Get-Content (I think...) reads until file into an array where each row is identified by the CRLF as the terminator. This means (again, I think) that mal-formed rows will be treated as an element of the array without respect to how many "columns" it holds.

C# Streamreader also uses CRLF as a marker but a streamreader object also has a few methods available like Peek and Read that may be useful.

Please, Oh Wise Ones, point me in the direction of least resistance. Using Powershell, as a script to process mal-formed csv files such that CRLFs that are not EOL are removed.

Thank you.


  • Based on @vonPryz design but in (Native¹) PowerShell:

    $Delimiters  =  121
    Get-Content .\OldFile.csv |ForEach-Object { $Line = '' } {
        if ($Line) { $Line += ',' + $_ } else { $Line = $_ }
        $TotalMatches = ($Line |Select-String ',' -AllMatches).Matches.Count
        if ($TotalMatches -ge $Delimiters ) {
            $Line = ''
    } |Set-Content .\NewFile.Csv

    1) I guess performance might be improved by avoiding += and using dot .net methods along with text streamers