With recent migration of boost, some of our scripts broke. One of them was responsible for downloading the zip file. Here is the link for the file itself
File I am interested in is, "boost_1_69_0.zip". The one with size 156.8Mb.
I use the following command to download the file
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://boostorg.jfrog.io/ui/native/main/release/1.69.0/source/1.69.0.zip" -OutFile "C:\pwrShell\1.69.0.zip"
However, the downloaded file is only 15kb, and not a valid zip. Wondering what I am missing?
The site is a bit tricksy - the boost_1_69_0.zip
link on https://boostorg.jfrog.io/ui/native/main/release/1.69.0/source
might look like it links to a zip file but when you click it you actually run some javascript that takes the browser to a web page - /ui/api/v1/download?repoKey=main&path=release%252F1.69.0%252Fsource%252Fboost_1_69_0.zip
This page gives a "302 Found" response that takes the browser to the actual download link at https://jfrog-prod-usw2-shared-oregon-main.s3.amazonaws.com/aol-boostorg/filestore/07/074cb678b05fd327be1096b39a962aeb249372ac?x-jf-traceId=2593752ec87a6551&response-content-disposition=attachment%3Bfilename%3D%22boost_1_69_0.zip%22&response-content-type=application%2Fzip&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20211019T222020Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=60&X-Amz-Credential=AKIASG3IHPL63WBBRCUD%2F20211019%2Fus-west-2%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=8e8b21c8a319e8cdc96044b8794dd3a359e265753bb7cf4913999fa753ffb47d
You can see all of this happen if you run a dev proxy like Fiddler in the background while you interact with the browser:
link, which triggered a HEAD request and a GET request to /ui/api/v1/download?repoKey=main&path=release%252F1.69.0%252Fsource%252Fboost_1_69_0.zip
So, if you want to replicate what the browser is doing, your best bet is to do something like this:
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://boostorg.jfrog.io/ui/api/v1/download?repoKey=main&path=release%252F1.69.0%252Fsource%252Fboost_1_69_0.zip" -OutFile "1.69.0.zip";
will automatically follow the 302 response returned by https://boostorg.jfrog.io/ui/api/v1/download?repoKey=main&path=release%252F1.69.0%252Fsource%252Fboost_1_69_0.zip
and will download the file from the url specified in the Location
header in the response.
Your 15kb file that you download from https://boostorg.jfrog.io/ui/native/main/release/1.69.0/source/1.69.0.zip
is another web page - try putting the url in your browser and see what happens.