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'Column not allowed' error when adding data from cursor to table in pl/sql

I'm working on some practice problems to help me learn pl/sql. I'm required to use a cursor to add data from one table to another. My code is below. I've used dbms_output.put_line to make sure there is data in the cursor and the data in the cursor is making it into the variables c_ename and c_salary one row at a time through the loop. The problem seems to be that the data in the variables cannot be inserted into the top_paid_emp table. I'm getting a ORA-00984: column not allowed here error. I'm thinking it's a syntax error, but I don't understand where. Any help much appreciated.

    c_ename VARCHAR2(20);
    c_salary NUMBER(10);
    CURSOR c_topfive IS 
    SELECT ename, salary
    FROM (SELECT ename, salary, 
        RANK() OVER (ORDER BY salary DESC) AS rank
        FROM emp1)
    WHERE rank <= 5;
    OPEN c_topfive;
        FETCH c_topfive INTO c_ename, c_salary;
        EXIT WHEN c_topfive%notfound;
        INSERT INTO top_paid_emp (empname, salary) VALUES (c_name,c_salary);
        END LOOP;
    CLOSE c_topfive;


  • If you're fetching

    FETCH c_topfive INTO c_ename, c_salary;

    then you should have used it in insert as well

    INSERT INTO top_paid_emp (empname, salary) VALUES (c_name,c_salary);

    Note that you could've done it using a cursor FOR loop, such as

      for cur_r in (select ename, salary
                    from (select ename, salary, 
                                 rank() over (order by salary desc) as rank
                          from emp1)
                    where rank <= 5) 
        insert into top_paid_emp (empname, salary) values (cur_r.ename, cur_r.salary);
      end loop;

    As you can see, it saves you from quite a lot of work: you don't have to declare any cursor variables, open the cursor, fetch, pay attention when to exit the loop, close the cursor - Oracle does all of it for you.