What should I use? bool compare or sCompare() functor? And why? Are there some differences between using this two options?
struct Dog
int m_age{};
int m_weigt{};
bool compare(const Dog& a, const Dog& b)
return a.m_age > b.m_age;
struct sCompare
bool operator()(const Dog& a, const Dog& b)
return a.m_age > b.m_age;
int main()
vector<Dog> dogs{ Dog{1,20}, Dog{2,10}, Dog{3,5}, Dog{10,40} };
//sort(begin(dogs), end(dogs), compare); this
//sort(begin(dogs), end(dogs), sCompare()); or this
return 0;
Your two comparators result in opposite ordering (<
vs >
). Other than that the biggest difference is that you cannot define a function within a function, but you can define a type in a function. Moreover, lambda expressions offer straightforward syntax to do that:
int main()
vector<Dog> dogs{ Dog{1,20}, Dog{2,10}, Dog{3,5}, Dog{10,40} };
sort(begin(dogs), end(dogs), [](const Dog& a,const Dog& b){ return a.m_age < b.m_age;});
// or
auto comp = [](const Dog& a,const Dog& b){ return a.m_age < b.m_age;}
sort(begin(dogs), end(dogs),comp);