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.htaccess deny dot-files but allow letsencrypt

My goal is to deny access to all dot-files e.g .htaccess, .env and send back a 404, but allow the letsencrypt-folder .well-known to be accessed

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule "(^|/)\.(?!well-known)" - [F]
RedirectMatch 404 /\..*$

Any hint on how to achieve this is highly appreciated Best endo


  • Try the following instead:

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule (?:^|/)\.[^/]+$ - [R=404]

    This will serve a 404 for any file (or rather, last URL-path segment) that starts with a dot. But it will permit .well-known/ - since this is a directory and so is also suffixed by at least a slash + filename.

    UPDATE: Modified regex so that it matches the dot at the start of the last path-segment, rather than anywhere in the last path-segment!

    Note that the F flag responds with a 403 Forbidden, not a 404 as requested.

    Alternatively, you can use a <Files> (or <FilesMatch>) container, which only matches "files". For example:

    <Files ".*">
        # 404 Not Found
        Redirect 404 /
        # OR... 403 Forbidden
        #Require all denied

    Although this does also block a request for /.well-known (no trailing slash) - although that's not strictly a valid request anyway.