Using react ,apollo.
I want to execute useUserQuery for the number of ids stored in the state.
currently, it is only executed once because ids[0] is written in variables. Also, I can only get the data for ids[0].
I would like to execute useUserQuery as many times as there are ids in the state.
const [ids, setIds] = React.useState<string[]>([]);
const {data: {userData = null} = {}} = useUserQuery({
variables: {id: ids[0]},
skip: !ids,
Not sure what you mean by useUserQuery, let me assume it is a custom hook made using the original useQuery
A possible solution is to use useLazyQuery
which is triggered manually, otherwise you can do it like this:
let fetchId = useRef(0);
const {data: {userData = null} = {}, refetch} = useUserQuery({
variables: {id: ids[0]},
skip: !ids,
onComplete: () => {
if (++fetchId.current < ids.length)
refetch({id: fetchId.current})
In this case you can also use useState
which will auto-refetch when changed.