Because I'm working with a very complex table with nasty repeated values in variable places, I'd like to do a string search between specific rows and columns.
For example:
table={{"header1", "header2", "header3",
"header4"}, {"falsepositive", "falsepositive", "name1",
"falsepositive"}, {"falsepositive", "falsepositive", "name2",
"falsepositive"}, {"falsepositive", "falsepositive",
"falsepositive", "falsepositive"}}
header1 header1 header1 header1
falsepositive falsepositive name1 falsepositive
falsepositive falsepositive name2 falsepositive
falsepositive falsepositive falsepositive falsepositive
How do I look for a string, for example, in column three, rows one through two?
I'd like to use Which
to assign values based on a string's location in the table.
Which[string matched in location one, value, matched in location two, value2]
As I understand it you want a test whether or not a given string is in a certain subsection of a matrix. You can pick these subsections using Part
([[...]]) and Span
(;;), with which you can indicate ranges or subsamples of ranges. Testing whether or not this subsection contains your pattern can be done by MemberQ
, like this:
MemberQ[table[[1 ;; 2, 3]], "name2"]
(* ==> False *)
MemberQ[table[[1 ;; 2, 3]], "header3"]
(* ==> True *)
In this way, your Which
statement could look like this:
myVar =
MemberQ[table[[1 ;; 2, 3]], "name2"], 5,
MemberQ[table[[2 ;; 3, 4]], "falsepositive"], 6,
True, 20