There are plenty of questions likes this, but I've read many of them and what I saw appears to be too complex for my very simplistic case.
I have a super simple one-page website ( in case you care). It is nothing more than a few divs with text. I'm looking for the simplest way possible to have that in multiple languages, so that the text with the browser's default language is shown automatically and of course there is a way to switch languages manually.
I'm not sure if this is efficient but since you have very little text, This will work.
// Maintain a supported Language List
var langList = ['en', 'zh'];
// Get browser Language
var userLang = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage;
// extract Language (en-US => en)
userLang = userLang.substring(0, 2);
// Call the function to set language
// function to change language
function changeLang(lang) {
langList.forEach((langEle) => {
// if language matches, display
if (langEle == lang) {
var langElems = document.querySelectorAll('.' + langEle)
langElems.forEach((elem) => { = "block"
// hide the language text
else {
// function to hide language
function hideLang(lang) {
var langElems = document.querySelectorAll('.' + lang)
langElems.forEach((elem) => { = "none"
<h1><span lang="en" class="en">Hello</span> <span lang="zh" class="zh">你好</span></h1>
<button onclick="changeLang('en')">English</button><button onclick="changeLang('zh')">Chinese</button>