I have data looking like this:
0.0 23.5 1
0.1 12.2 1
0.2 15.0 3
0.3 34.4 4
0.4 37.1 4
The 3rd column represents something like a category to which the data from 2nd column belongs. I'd like to plot 2nd column vs 1st column as a default line plot and represent the category in 3rd column through the color of the x-axis (or a line parallel to the x-axis somewhere in the plot).
There are 18 categories in total, I'd like to have categories encoded as follows 1 ... 6 shades of red 7 ... 12 shades of green 13 ... 18 shades of blue
How could this be achieved?
As I understand, you want a line graph and some horizontal line with some color depending on value in the 3rd column. So, why not plotting a bar graph? Check the example below which can be adapted to your special needs.
### apply shades of colors from a column
reset session
# create some test data
set print $Data
do for [i=1:18] {
print sprintf("%g %g %g", i/10., rand(0)*10+10, i)
set print
set palette defined ( 0 "#aa0000", 1 "#ee0000", 1.99 "#ffaaaa", \
2 "#00aa00", 3 "#00ee00", 3.99 "#aaffaa", \
4 "#0000aa", 5 "#0000ee", 5.99 "#aaaaff" ) maxcolors 18
set style fill solid 1.0
set boxwidth 0.8 relative
set xtics out
set yrange[0:30]
set cbrange[1:18]
set cbtics ()
do for [i=1:18] {
set cbtics add (sprintf("%g",i) i/18.*17+0.5)
set key noautotitle
plot $Data u 1:2:3 w boxes lc palette
### end of code
Code: (alternatively, a line graph with color bars at the bottom)
### apply shades of colors from a column
reset session
# create some test data
set print $Data
do for [i=1:18] {
print sprintf("%g %g %g", i/10., rand(0)*10+10, i)
set print
set palette defined ( 0 "#aa0000", 1 "#ee0000", 1.99 "#ffaaaa", \
2 "#00aa00", 3 "#00ee00", 3.99 "#aaffaa", \
4 "#0000aa", 5 "#0000ee", 5.99 "#aaaaff" ) maxcolors 18
set style fill solid 1.0
set boxwidth 0.8 relative
set xtics out
set yrange[0:30]
set grid x,y
set cbrange[1:18]
set cbtics ()
do for [i=1:18] {
set cbtics add (sprintf("%g",i) i/18.*17+0.5)
set key noautotitle
plot $Data u 1:2 w lp pt 7 lc "black", \
'' u 1:(0.5):3 w boxes lc palette
### end of code