I am trying to read the table TIBAN
only in the cases when the field BANKN
of the KNBK
table contains the string "IBAN". The problem that I am having is reading the table TIBAN
. For the KNBK
table I used the key kunnr
to search the table, but the table TIBAN
does not contain this field. The code is as follows:
LOOP AT lt_data_bsec ASSIGNING <ls_data_bsec>.
READ TABLE lt_data_knbk ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_data_knbk>)
WITH KEY kunnr = <ls_data_bsec>-kunnr BINARY SEARCH .
IF <ls_data_knbk>-bankn_kn CS '<IBAN>'.
>>>>> READ TABLE lt_data_tiban ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_data_tiban>).
IF <ls_data_bsec> IS ASSIGNED
AND <ls_data_tiban> IS ASSIGNED
AND ( <ls_data_bsec>-banks_bs NE <ls_data_tiban>-banks_kn
OR <ls_data_bsec>-bankl_bs NE <ls_data_tiban>-bankl_kn
OR <ls_data_bsec>-bankn_bs NE <ls_data_tiban>-bankn_kn ).
The declaration of the lt_data_knbk
table is:
SELECT kunnr,
banks AS banks_kn,
bankl AS bankl_kn,
bankn AS bankn_kn
FROM knbk
INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_data_knbk)
FOR ALL ENTRIES IN @lt_data_bsec
WHERE kunnr = @lt_data_bsec-kunnr
And the declaration of the lt_data_tiban
SELECT banks AS banks_tb,
bankl AS bankl_tb,
bankn AS bankn_tb
FROM tiban
INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_data_tiban).
Also the declaration of the lt_data_bsec
is of the type gty_out
BEGIN OF gty_out,
bukrs TYPE bukrs,
belnr TYPE belnr_d,
buzei TYPE buzei,
budat TYPE budat,
kunnr TYPE kunnr,
banks_kn TYPE banks,
bankl_kn TYPE bankk,
bankn_kn TYPE bankn,
banks_bs TYPE banks,
bankl_bs TYPE bankk,
bankn_bs TYPE bankn,
banks_tb TYPE banks,
bankl_tb TYPE bankk,
bankn_tb TYPE bankn,
END OF gty_out,
I am having an error in the line that I have marked in the code as it needs a key field to do the reading of the table.
May anyone know what type of field do I need to do a search of the TIBAN
table, just like I did for the KNBK
I would recommend you to acquire your bank data by doing a LEFT OUTER JOIN
with TIBAN.
SELECT knbk~kunnr AS kunnr,
knbk~banks AS banks_kn,
knbk~bankl AS bankl_kn,
knbk~bankn AS bankn_kn,
knbk~bkont AS bkont_kn,
tiban~iban AS iban
FROM knbk
tiban~banks = knbk~banks AND
tiban~bankl = knbk~bankl AND
tiban~bankn = knbk~bankn AND
tiban~bkont = knbk~bkont
INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_data_knbk)
FOR ALL ENTRIES IN @lt_data_bsec
WHERE knbk~kunnr = @lt_data_bsec-kunnr
ORDER BY knbk~banks knbk~bankl knbk~bankn knbk~bkont.
The result will be a table with all entries from KNBK
, plus a field IBAN
which will be filled from TIBAN
if a corresponding row exists and be initial when no corresponding row exists.
Now you can just determine whether or not you have an IBAN like this:
LOOP AT lt_data_knbk ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_data_knbk>).
IF <ls_data_knbk>-iban IS INITIAL.
" classic bank number + account number account
" IBAN account