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Insert into one table of ManytoMany and joining table hibernate

enter image description here

Hi I am new to Hibernate and trying to build a Rest APP.

I have 3 tables in the database as shown in the above image.

USERS table has ManyToMany relation with GROUPS table and USER_GROUP is an association table.

I am using ORM, Hibernate and CurdRepository.

I am able to insert into users table and group table with save() method of CurdRepository.

Now I am trying to add a row in GROUPS table and USER_GROUP table only. Can anyone lead me to the right direction?

For example:

I want to add an groupid to GROUPS table and then associate it with an user id

Let's say I want to insert (10) groupid in GROUPS and (14,10) in USER_GROUP table.

Is it doable with ORM, if yes how?

Thanks in advance


  • To use existing connecting table, USE_GROUP, User entity will be like following .

    public class Users {
        private Integer userid;
        private String password;
        @ManyToMany(cascade = { CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.PERSIST })
        @JoinTable(name = "USER_GROUP", joinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "USERID") }, 
            inverseJoinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "GROUPID") })
        private Set<Groups> groups;
        // Getter, Setter

    And then client code, add new User and Group, will be something like below.

    User user = new User()
    // set password , etc
    Set<Groups> groups = new HashSet<>();
    Group group = new Group();
    // set 