Search code examples

Get specific series values in order

I have a table contains the info of the access time and movements for each employee.

Some employees have shift work hours between two days, I have column determine if this access time belongs to the previous or current day.

I need to collect the access time which belongs to one day, then get the difference between the current access time and the next one and determine the check status of the movement(first or last or during the day movement).

I get the mentioned result if the employee has shift work hours on the same day but I can't get the true result if he has work hours between two days.


Employee Number 1 has Shift method: 17:00 -> 01:00

Employee Number 2 has Shift method: 08:30 -> 16:30

Total Work Hours: 08:00

   CREATE TABLE My_Table (
  EMP_ID    NUMBER(4) ,
  Timeinout date ,
  flag number(1)

INSERT INTO My_Table VALUES (1,to_date('03-07-2018 16:39:44','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),0);
INSERT INTO My_Table VALUES (1,to_date('04-07-2018 01:14:40','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),1);
INSERT INTO My_Table VALUES (1,to_date('04-07-2018 01:14:44 ','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),1);
INSERT INTO My_Table VALUES (1,to_date('04-07-2018 16:14:52','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),0);
INSERT INTO My_Table VALUES (1,to_date('05-07-2018 01:07:40','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),1);
INSERT INTO My_Table VALUES (1,to_date('05-07-2018 01:07:44 ','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),1);
INSERT INTO My_Table VALUES (1,to_date('05-07-2018 16:31:08','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),0);
INSERT INTO My_Table VALUES (1,to_date('06-07-2018 01:01:48 ','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),1);
INSERT INTO My_Table VALUES (1,to_date('06-07-2018 01:01:52','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),1);
INSERT INTO My_Table VALUES (2,to_date('03-07-2018 08:37:40','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),0);
INSERT INTO My_Table VALUES (2,to_date('03-07-2018 16:27:36','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),0);
INSERT INTO My_Table VALUES (2,to_date('04-07-2018 08:37:04 ','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),0);
INSERT INTO My_Table VALUES (2,to_date('04-07-2018 12:58:36','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),0);
INSERT INTO My_Table VALUES (2,to_date('04-07-2018 13:09:48 ','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),0);
INSERT INTO My_Table VALUES (2,to_date('04-07-2018 17:15:32 ','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),0);


The query I used is for employee number2 return the true result:

   select X.*,
         WHEN Previous_Movment IS NULL AND Next_Movment IS NOT NULL THEN
          'First Check'
         WHEN Previous_Movment IS NOT NULL AND Next_Movment IS NULL THEN
          'Last Check'
         when Previous_Movment IS NULL AND Next_Movment IS NULL THEN
          'Do Not have access in this day'
          'During the Day'
       end CHECK_sTATUS
  from (select trunc(a.timeinout) as date_,
               a.timeinout current_movment,
               LEAD(TIMEINOUT) OVER(partition by trunc(TIMEINOUT), Emp_ID ORDER BY TIMEINOUT, Emp_ID) Next_Movment,
               LAG(TIMEINOUT) OVER(partition by trunc(TIMEINOUT), Emp_ID ORDER BY TIMEINOUT, Emp_ID) Previous_Movment,
               trunc(24 *
                     mod(LEAD(TIMEINOUT) OVER(partition by trunc(TIMEINOUT),
                              Emp_ID ORDER BY TIMEINOUT,
                              Emp_ID) - TIMEINOUT,
                         1)) as diff_hours,
                             OVER(partition by trunc(TIMEINOUT),
                                  Emp_ID ORDER BY TIMEINOUT,
                                  Emp_ID) - TIMEINOUT,
                             1) * 24,
                         1) * 60) as diff_minus,
                                 OVER(partition by trunc(TIMEINOUT),
                                      Emp_ID ORDER BY TIMEINOUT,
                                      Emp_ID) - TIMEINOUT,
                                 1) * 24,
                             1) * 60,
                         1) * 60) as diff_sec,
               FLAG Return_Previous_day_or_not
          from My_table a
         WHERE trunc(a.timeinout) between
               to_Date('03-07-2018', 'dd-mm-yyyy') and
               to_Date('07-07-2018', 'dd-mm-yyyy')
          and a.Emp_ID = 2
        ) X

and the get the below result for employee number2:

enter image description here

But when I switch the query to employee number1 I get the wrong result because the movements between two days:

enter image description here Note:

I used Trunc(Timeinout) in the LEAD & lAG function for the employee who has work hours on the same day.


  • You can use a MODEL clause:

    SELECT emp_id,
           (next_movement - current_movement) DAY TO SECOND AS diff,
    FROM   (
      SELECT m.*,
             ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY emp_id ORDER BY timeinout) AS rn
      FROM   my_table m
      PARTITION BY (emp_id)
      DIMENSION BY (rn)
      MEASURES (
        timeinout AS current_movement,
        CAST(NULL AS DATE) AS first_movement,
        CAST(NULL AS DATE) AS previous_movement,
        CAST(NULL AS DATE) AS next_movement,
        CAST(NULL AS VARCHAR2(11)) AS check_status
      RULES (
        first_movement[1]       = current_movement[1],
        first_movement[rn>1]    = CASE
                                  WHEN current_movement[cv(rn)] < first_movement[cv(rn)-1] + INTERVAL '12' HOUR
                                  THEN first_movement[cv(rn)-1]
                                  ELSE current_movement[cv(rn)]
        previous_movement[1]    = NULL,
        previous_movement[rn>1] = CASE
                                  WHEN current_movement[cv(rn)] < first_movement[cv(rn)-1] + INTERVAL '12' HOUR
                                  THEN current_movement[cv(rn)-1]
                                  ELSE NULL
        next_movement[1]        = current_movement[cv(rn)+1],
        next_movement[rn>1]     = CASE
                                  WHEN current_movement[cv(rn)+1] < first_movement[cv(rn)] + INTERVAL '12' HOUR
                                  THEN current_movement[cv(rn)+1]
                                  ELSE NULL
        check_status[1]         = 'FIRST_CHECK',
        check_status[rn>1]      = CASE
                                  WHEN first_movement[cv(rn)-1] != first_movement[cv(rn)]
                                  THEN 'FIRST_CHECK'
                                  WHEN current_movement[cv(rn)+1] < first_movement[cv(rn)] + INTERVAL '12' HOUR
                                  THEN 'DURING_DAY'
                                  ELSE 'LAST_CHECK'

    Which outputs:

    1 2018-07-03T16:39:44 0 2018-07-04T01:14:40 +00 08:34:56.000000 FIRST_CHECK
    1 2018-07-04T01:14:40 1 2018-07-03T16:39:44 2018-07-04T01:14:44 +00 00:00:04.000000 DURING_DAY
    1 2018-07-04T01:14:44 1 2018-07-04T01:14:40 LAST_CHECK
    1 2018-07-04T16:14:52 0 2018-07-05T01:07:40 +00 08:52:48.000000 FIRST_CHECK
    1 2018-07-05T01:07:40 1 2018-07-04T16:14:52 2018-07-05T01:07:44 +00 00:00:04.000000 DURING_DAY
    1 2018-07-05T01:07:44 1 2018-07-05T01:07:40 LAST_CHECK
    1 2018-07-05T16:31:08 0 2018-07-06T01:01:48 +00 08:30:40.000000 FIRST_CHECK
    1 2018-07-06T01:01:48 1 2018-07-05T16:31:08 2018-07-06T01:01:52 +00 00:00:04.000000 DURING_DAY
    1 2018-07-06T01:01:52 1 2018-07-06T01:01:48 LAST_CHECK
    2 2018-07-03T08:37:40 0 2018-07-03T16:27:36 +00 07:49:56.000000 FIRST_CHECK
    2 2018-07-03T16:27:36 0 2018-07-03T08:37:40 LAST_CHECK
    2 2018-07-04T08:37:04 0 2018-07-04T12:58:36 +00 04:21:32.000000 FIRST_CHECK
    2 2018-07-04T12:58:36 0 2018-07-04T08:37:04 2018-07-04T13:09:48 +00 00:11:12.000000 DURING_DAY
    2 2018-07-04T13:09:48 0 2018-07-04T12:58:36 2018-07-04T17:15:32 +00 04:05:44.000000 DURING_DAY
    2 2018-07-04T17:15:32 0 2018-07-04T13:09:48 LAST_CHECK

    db<>fiddle here