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In Google Sheets, how to convert [2021-10-08 23:49:37] to a (-6) time zone and look like [10-October-2021, 05:49:37 PM]
This includes
The day difference
Converting 24h to AM/PM
Format: day-month-year, hour:minutes:seconds AM/PM
Note: when double-clicking the original cell it's formatted as text and has (') before the text
=TEXT((A1*1)-"6:00", "dd-mmmm-yyyy, hh:mm:ss am/pm")
gobject/gnome/glib bindings for D using GIR?
How do nested functions get compiled?
The "this" pointer and message receiving in D
64-bit executables with DMD
GtkD with D lang on Fedora
Why Android used Java concept instead of D language or C or C++? But Chromium web browser is in C++, its very complicated match
How to use MongoItemWriter to write a List<T>
Why a function with protected modifier can be overridden and accessible every where?
Convert Unicode const(uint)* to a dlang character type
Compiling D with Code::Blocks
DMD vs. GDC vs. LDC
Rendering a font in raylib using freetype
Digital Mars D compiler; acquiring ASM output
D Programming: openssl rsa forward reference compiler error
D compiler DMD doesn't link object files
OPTLINK: Warning 23: No Stack
Is there a limit in the amount of temporary generated symbols during a project build using dmd 2.063?
Is this the right way to combine Garbage collected with none Garbage collected code in D
D compiler (Digital Mars D Compiler) throwing error
Which D Compiler to Use?
Splitting a string treating multiple whitespace as one separator
Proper way of passing array parameters to D functions
Detailed Valgrind internals documentation
Is it possible, in D, to tell the garbage collector to not scan a particular pointer (or anything below it)?
Iterate over key/value pairs in associative array in D.
Dlang associative array of an array of strings keyed by a string has unexpected behavior
How to repeat a statement N times (simple loop)
Is worth the effort to learn D?
ld: undefined reference to object I can see in objdump
D using emplace
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