In here i want to add a record to a Mysql users
table manually. There is a field called encrypted_password
but i dont know the encryption algorithm that has been used. When Im trying to add a record manually but it didnt work when im authenticating.
Sample of existing user record password hash :
encrypted_password: $2a$12$ibqhezRBPsy022fhMqGXBOtT749jR4QMwBULS4o1x9NMycPbftPwa
The query i tried to insert for the new record.
INSERT INTO users(status,classification,encrypted_password,created_at,updated_at) values(1,1,MD5('test1234$'), NOW(), NOW());
The hash format of the record I inserted :
encrypted_password: b46cfe70ccedca93ed4f06f5e5901fea
How can i have a workaround this and add an encrypted password in correct hash format?
Simply, we can follow the below steps.