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Shopware Product API response with "Cannot unset string offsets"

After some testing with the Product API of Shopware 6 I get a 500 error that says "Cannot unset string of offsets".
That information isnt enought for me, to debug it, sicne iam kinda new to Shopware 6 APIs.
This is the error:

    "errors": [{
        "code": "0",
        "status": "500",
        "title": "Internal Server Error",
        "detail": "Cannot unset string offsets"

Iam using this site:
And I call the URL: via POST Request.
As authorization i use a bearer token i grab from the getToken GET-Request.
My Request-Content looks like the following:


I copy paste the taxId and currencyId from a existing database and just format it the same as the productId and parentId i generate manually.


  • I think you have 2 problems:

    1. price fields should be an array of objects e.g.
    1. You need to remove dashes from all id fields e.g. fd1be1ea-884a-4049-b143-605d8dfaa589 => fd1be1ea884a4049b143605d8dfaa589