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Calling dispatchers in composition API vue3

Hi everyone I was struggling with calling dispatchers and getters in composition API in vuex.

Below is my store :

// state
items: Item[] = [];

// getters
get getItems(): ComputedRef<Item[]> {
    return computed(() => this.items);

// mutations
commitSaveItems(items: Item[]) {
    this.items = items;

// actions
async dispatchGetItems(): Promise<boolean> {
    const response: Response = await this.api.getItems();
    const items: Item[] =;
    return true;

composables as :

export function allItems(): ComputedRef<Item[]> {
    const items = itemStore.getItems;
    return items;

export async function getItems(): Promise<boolean> {
    return itemStore.dispatchGetItems();

component as :

setup() {

   let items = allItems();

   return {items}

I am aware that I cannot call getItems() -> that is calling my API and getters both in setup but I am completely clueless how to do this.

I want that initially my API fetch the items and bind items state and then my getter able to show my items in my template. any help will be appreciated


  • For anyone else stuck in the same, I got the following workaround for now: As we don't have beforeCreated and Created in Composition API it is replaced by setup. So I call my dispatcher in onBeforeMounted my updated and working code is as follows :

    setup() {
      let items: ComputedRef<Item[]> = computed(() => []);
      onBeforeMount(async () => {
        await getItems();
        items = allItems();

    let me know for more optimised solution