I'm having an issue where a third "segment" in the url will cause ALL the exp:channel:entries to stop returning results.
Example URLs:
works fine: siteurl.com/index.php/one/two
does not work: siteurl.com/index.php/one/two/three
Example Entry Pull:
{exp:channel:entries channel="my_channel" category="18" sort="asc" search:show_toggle="=SHOW" orderby="sort_order"}
Is this some kind of injection that I am unaware of. I have searched through the documentation, and from what I can tell my specification of a category should overwrite anything in the url. I may be botching it up, but there HAS to be something I can do.? Something I can modify in the channel module?
Without using the dynamic tag parameter in your Channel Entries tag, ExpressionEngine is expecting a URL Segment Variable to contain the Entry ID or URL Title of your entry.
Since the third URL Segment /index.php/one/two/three
isn't a numeric Entry ID or URL Title, your Channel Entries query doesn't contain any information.
By setting
you will ensure that the list is not affected by anything passed in the URL.
Since you've written an extremely specific Channel Entries Query, be sure to add dynamic="no"
to your {exp:channel:entries}
tag loop to have ExpressionEngine ignore the URL Segments and instead use the parameters you supply:
{exp:channel:entries channel="my_channel" dynamic="no" ...}
Furthermore, by adding a simple Conditional Variable to your code, you will be able to see a message when no results are returned:
{exp:channel:entries channel="my_channel" ... }
{if no_results}Sorry, No Results{/if}
Grokking the fundamental ExpressionEngine's URL concepts and URL Segments is important to understanding and troubleshooting issues like this.