From what I understand iOS and Android can use a thing called "NS User Defaults / Shared Preferences" to work with small bits of non-complex data.
I was wondering in a web application, what would the equivalent of this be? Or does it even exist? If not, what would a recommended / best-practice solution be?
Thank you.
It looks like the equivalent of "NSUserDefaults / SharedPreferences" that flutter provides out of the box for web is "local storage", which will not permanently persist data if the user clears browser cookies or is browsing in private/incognito mode.
This is not an ideal solution since I need data to persist permanently on the web-side of things.
The browser does not let you store data permanently, users can always clear their data whenever they choose to.
I will have to create a custom database table and sync the data from the local "NSUserDefaults/SharedPreferences" to the custom table on a server that the web app can utilize.