The question is to find a pair of integers (a,b) from a set M of unsigned integers, where a-b is a multiple of n. Given a positive integer n, which is less than the length (m) of set M. Here is the snippet I have written.
I am not too sure about the time complexity of this algorithm w.r.t the length of M and the value of n. In the exlude function, worst case is O(m). Then it is within a for loop over m, then O(m^2). In addition, X initialization scales with n, so O(n) here. In total: O(m^2) + O(n), ignoring the other O(1)s. Is this correct?
Also, should I take r = x % n
as O(1)?
Any coding related advices on the codes here are welcome!!! Big thx!
//array X is intialized of size n, all -1. Here the code is omitted.
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
if (currentLength > 1)
index = rand() % currentLength;
x = setM[index];
exclude(setM, index, ¤tLength);
r = x % n;
if (X[r] == -1)
X[r] = x;
printf("The pair: (%i, %i)\n", X[r], x);
currentLength -= 1;
// to exclude an element based on index, then shift all elements behind by 1 slot
void exclude(int* array, int index, int* length_ptr)
if (index != *length_ptr - 1)
for (int i = index; i < *length_ptr - 1; i++)
array[i] = array[i + 1];
Also, should I take
r = x % n
as O(1)?
Yes, it's O(1)
I am not too sure about the time complexity of this algorithm ... In total: O(m^2) + O(n)?
Well, kind of but there is more to it than that. The thing is that m
and n
is not independent.
Consider the case n = 2
and let m
be increasing. Your formula would give O(m^2) but is that correct? No. Since there will only be 2 possible results from % n
(i.e. 0 and 1) the loop for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
can only run 3 times before we have a match. No matter how much you increase m
there can never be more than 3 loops. In each of these loops the exclude
function may move near m
elements in worst case. In general the for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
can never do more than n+1
So for m being larger than n
you rather have O(n*m) + O(n). When keeping n
constant this turns into just O(m). So your algorithm is just O(m) with respect to m
Now consider the case with a constant m
and a large increasing n
. In this case your formula gives O(m^2) + O(n). Since m
is constant O(m^2) is also constant so your algorithm is just O(n) with respect to n
Now if you increase both m
and n
your formula gives O(m^2) + O(n). But since m
and n
are both increased, O(m^2) will eventually dominate O(N), so we can ignore O(N). In other words, your algorithm is O(M^2) with respect to both.
To recap:
O(m) for constant n and increasing m
O(n) for constant m and increasing n
O(m^2) for increasing n and increasing m
Any coding related advices on the codes here are welcome
Well, this index = rand() % currentLength;
is just a bad idea!
You should always test the last element in the array, i.e. index = currentLength - 1;
Why? Simply because that will turn exclude
into O(1). In fact you won't even need it! The exclude will happen automatically when doing currentLength -= 1;
This change will improve complexicity like
O(1) for constant n and increasing m
O(n) for constant m and increasing n
O(m)+O(n) for increasing n and increasing m
The O(m)+O(n) can be said to be just O(m) (or just O(n)) as you prefer. The main thing is that it is linear.
Besides that you don't need currentLength
. Change the main loop to be
for (int i = m-1; i >= 0; --i)
and use i
as index
. This simplifies your code to:
for (int i = m-1; i >= 0; --i)
r = setM[i] % n;
if (X[r] == -1)
X[r] = setM[i];
printf("The pair: (%i, %i)\n", X[r], setM[i]);