I'm hoping maybe someone can help me with the following situation. I'm working on a project were I need to plot a circle (radius) around a centroid in R. I'm also using this centroid to do an intersection with other geometry. The problem I'm facing is that the buffer border is not a very well defined circle which doesn't look good when I plot both the circle and the intersection.
My code looks somewhat like this:
using sf and ggplot2
Radius of 100km
circle = st_buffer(centroid,100000)
and for the intersection
intersection = st_intersection(geometry,circle)
for the plot
ggplot()+geom_sf(data= circle, fill = "yellow")
Not so bad! That said, if you really want to smooth the circle/buffer border, you can use the package smoothr
Here is one possibility :
# Smooth circle border
circle_smooth <- smooth(densify(circle, max_distance = 10), method = "ksmooth")
# Plot
ggplot2::geom_sf(data= circle_smooth, fill = "yellow")