I have the following code, used to remove spaces and other characters from a string $m, and replace them with periods ('.'):
Function CleanupMessage([string]$m) {
$m = $m.Replace(' ', ".") # spaces to dot
$m = $m.Replace(",", ".") # commas to dot
$m = $m.Replace([char]10, ".") # linefeeds to dot
while ($m.Contains("..")) {
$m = $m.Replace("..",".") # multiple dots to dot
return $m
It works OK, but it seems like a lot of code and can be simplified. I've read that regex can work with patterns, but am not clear if that would work in this case. Any hints?
Use a regex character class:
Function CleanupMessage([string]$m) {
return $m -replace '[ ,.\n]+', '.'
[ ,.\n]+ any character of: ' ', ',', '.', '\n' (newline)
(1 or more times (matching the most amount