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Sum of all number components powered to length of the number must equal the same number

There are seven prime numbers that meet the conditions. I need to find them all, but the program is just too slow, is there a better way to do it?

#edit Just found out that those numbers are called Narcissistic or Armstrong numbers

import math

def prime(n):
    for i in range(2,int(math.sqrt(n))+1):
        if n%i == 0: return False
    return True

def sum_powers(n):
    num_str = str(n)
    sum = 0
    for i in num_str:
        sum += int(i)**len(num_str)
    return sum
def findprimes(desired_amount):
    amount = 0
    number = 2
    while amount < desired_amount:
        if prime(number):
            if number == sum_powers(number):
                amount += 1
                number += 1
                number += 1
            number += 1



  • Is brute force possible?

    First, it's clear that if you want to find all solutions (and be sure you have all possible solutions), generating primes will not work. Let's see why.

    We want to find some upper bound for numbers we need to check. For a given number of digits n, the largest n-digit number is all 9's. This number also maximizes the sum over all digits d of d^n, with a sum of n*(9^n). So for the sum of digit powers to be as large as the original numbers, we at least need n*(9^n) >= 10^(n-1). This makes it clear that there's a finite bound, too, as the right side is growing exponentially faster than the left.

    Using wolfram alpha, the largest zero of f(n) = n*(9^n) - 10^(n - 1) is at around n=60.8, so we can be sure we're done after checking all numbers with up to 60 digits. This is far, far larger than any consecutive list of primes ever computed (which appears to be all primes below around 10^20), so the naive approach isn't even brute-forceable by supercomputers.

    Depth-first search over all digit multisets

    However, using the strategy mentioned in my comment, there's a better way. We can just generate all of the ways to pick a multiset of any quantity of digits 0-9 up to 60: from combinatorics, there's (60 + 9 choose 9) total options, which is around 6 * 10^10. This is closer to being brute-forceable, especially with some clever filtering. To just find the seven answers, it turns out we only need to check up to 23 digits long.

    Once you have a combination of m digits, you can add each digit to the m'th power and see whether you get the original digits back, and whether the sum-string has the same multiplicities of digits as your combination.

    The full code is below. I've included my own Miller-Rabin primality test, but using a numerical library like gmpy2 for that will be faster. On my computer, it prints out the seven primes in around a minute. I compared this against @Alain T's solution, which is conceptually similar (but using a Miller-Rabin prime tester for both), and this runs about 3x faster despite not using their clever even/odd filtering.

    import collections
    from time import perf_counter
    import math
    from typing import List, Tuple
    def main():
        found_primes = 0
        def solve(my_nums: List[Tuple[int, int]], actual_sum: int) -> None:
            if not is_prime_miller(actual_sum):
            sum_counts = collections.Counter(str(actual_sum))
            for orig_dig, amount_to_use in my_nums:
                if amount_to_use != sum_counts[str(orig_dig)]:
            nonlocal found_primes
            found_primes += 1
            print(f"Found ans number {found_primes}: {actual_sum}")
        def dfs(curr_digit: int, remaining: int, curr_sum: int, orig_num_digs: int, biggest: int,
                used_dig_list: List[Tuple[int, int]]) -> None:
            my_pow = POWS[curr_digit]
            if curr_sum >= biggest or 10 * (remaining * my_pow + curr_sum) < biggest - 10:
            if remaining == 0:
                if len(str(curr_sum)) == orig_num_digs:
                    solve(used_dig_list, curr_sum)
            assert remaining > 0
            if curr_digit == 0:
                # curr_sum += remaining*pow(9, orig_num_digs)
                if len(str(curr_sum)) == orig_num_digs:
                    solve(used_dig_list + [(0, remaining)], curr_sum)
            new_sum = curr_sum
            for amount_to_use in range(remaining + 1):
                dfs(curr_digit=curr_digit - 1, remaining=remaining - amount_to_use, curr_sum=new_sum,
                    orig_num_digs=orig_num_digs, biggest=biggest,
                    used_dig_list=used_dig_list + [(curr_digit, amount_to_use)])
                new_sum += my_pow
                if new_sum >= biggest:
        for digits_to_use in range(1, 24):
            print(f"Starting {digits_to_use}, {perf_counter() - start_time :.4f} sec. since start")
            POWS = [pow(x, digits_to_use) for x in range(10)]
            dfs(curr_digit=9, remaining=digits_to_use, curr_sum=0, orig_num_digs=digits_to_use,
                biggest=pow(10, digits_to_use), used_dig_list=[])
    def is_prime_miller(n: int) -> bool:
        small_primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41]
        if n < 2:
            return False
        for p in small_primes:
            if n < p * p:
                return True
            if n % p == 0:
                return False
        r, s = 0, n - 1
        while s % 2 == 0:
            r += 1
            s //= 2
        for a in small_primes:
            x = pow(a, s, n)
            if x == 1 or x == n - 1:
            for _ in range(r - 1):
                x = pow(x, 2, n)
                if x == n - 1:
                return False
        return True
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        start_time = perf_counter()

    which gives this output:


    Edit: I've corrected an earlier claim that 10^33 was a bound on these kinds of numbers, which the post mentions are called 'narcissistic numbers': the bound I derived should be 10^60, although there are indeed only 7 such primes, and the largest composite number of this kind has fewer than 40 digits.