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Topological sort complexity in linear time?

I am trying to calculate the algorithmic complexity of Kahn's algorithm implemented in python, I came across this article : in the part of the code for calculating the degree of all nodes has this

for each node in Nodes
    If (list[node].size()!=0) then
        for each dest in list

in the article it says that the complexity is O(V+E), but why? there are two nested fors, shouldn't it be O(V*E) ?

I wrote an implementation in python something like this:

for vertex in graph:                    # O(V) * O(E) = O(V * E). ??
    for edge in graph[vertex]:          # O(E)+O(1) => O(E)
        indegree[dege] += 1             # O(1)

V = # of vertex of the graph

E = # of edges


  • This is notation often used in graph algorithms to specify how dependent the algorithm is on the density of the graph. E is always O(V^2), but that bound may not be tight. Say there aren't many edges (for example, a tree, where there are exactly V - 1 edges). Then O(V + E) = O(V + V) = O(2V) = O(V).

    Now consider a dense graph (for example, a complete graph, where there are at least V(V-1) edges, or more if self edges are allowed). Now O(V+E) = O(V + V^2 - V) = O(V^2).

    Inside O(...), + behaves somewhat like max: the overall complexity is determined by the larger of the two addends. This basically gives you a kind of shorthand for showing how the complexity grows along two axes: one, the number of vertices, and two, the density of the edges.